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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section46 Holidays

  How often do you go on holiday?你隔多长时间去度假?

  Do you mean to have a break from work or to travel?你指的是工作休息一段时间还是去旅游呢?

  I mean to travel out of your area.我指的是离开你居住的地方到别处旅游。

  Ah, well, that depends how much money I have to spend.噢,那得看我有多少钱可花。

  What do you mean?什么意思?

  Well, if I have a lot of money, I will go abroad, you know, to visit another country.就是说,如果我有很多钱,我会出国,到其它国家旅游。

  And if not?如果没有呢?

  Then I will just go to thenbsp;local beach, or visit some local places of interest.那我就只到附近的海滨或好玩的地方走走。

  What sort of places would you visit locally on holiday?假期里,你会到附近什么地方去?

  Sometimes I will visit friends or relatives, or perhaps I will go to visit museums, art galleries or ancient buildings.有时我会拜访朋友或亲戚,或者参观博物馆、艺术馆或古代建筑。

  Anything else?还有其它的吗?

  Yes. I will go to the countryside and climb some mountains. What about you?我会到乡下去爬山。你呢?

  Me? I always go abroad to see other countries and cultures.我?我常到国外去,看看其它国家和不同的文化。

  But that can be expensive counted.但那样很贵,不是吗?

  Not if you go to countries which are much cheaper than yours.不全是,如果你到一个生活水平比较低的国家去不会花费太多。

  Then your money can go much further.那你的钱可就绰绰有余了。



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