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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section41 Shopping

  A western supermarket is so unlike what we see in China.西方的超市和我们在中国所看到的有很大的不同。

  In fact, China does not have many real supermarkets outside of the major cities.实际上,除了大城市外,中国没有多少真正的大超市。

  To enter a huge building and buy anything from food to furniture all on one floor is quite uncommon in China.在中国,走进一座大楼,在同一楼层里买到食物、家具等不常见。

  When we think of shopping, we usually think of buying food or clothes.谈起购物,我们常联想到买食物和衣服。

  Modern western supermarkets sell both, and you can also buy furniture, newspapers, household items and electrical and electronic goods.现代西方超市,以上两种都能买到,我们也可以买到家具、报纸、家庭用品、电器和电子产品。

  On entering a supermarket, we usually take a small basket or trolley.进入超市,我们通常要拿篮子或推车。

  This will depend on how much we plan to purchase.这个将取决于我们计划购买什么。

  Wheeling a large trolley around a supermarket can be a pleasant experience.推一辆大推车在超市里闲逛是一种乐趣。

  As we walk along aisle after aisle, putting in the things we want, we can get most things in one single store.我们在走道之间行走,选择所需物品,可以在同一个楼层里买到全部所需。

  Then we queue at the checkout and wait for the clerk to tell us how much to pay.然后排队付款,收银员会告诉我们要付多少钱。

  We can pay by cash, check or credit card; it doesnrsquo;t matter to the supermarket.我们可以用现金、支票、信用卡付款,这对超市没有影响。

  Nowadays we can even go shopping without leaving our home.现在,我们不必离开家也可以购物。

  We can purchase our daily goods over the Internet.我们可以在网上购买日常用品。

  We are shown a supermarket and on the screen we go down the aisles.整个超市在屏幕上展现出来,我们可以在走道间行走选择。

  We pay by credit card, and the purchases are delivered to our homes the same day.我们用信用卡付款,货物当天就可以送到。



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