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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section 54 Games etc.

  Sometimes it is difficult to identify exactly what is a game and what is not.有时,很难划分什么是游戏,什么不是游戏。

  For example, football is a game, and so is chess. So what really is a game?比如说,足球是一种游戏,棋类也是一种游戏,那到底什么才是真正的游戏呢?

  Is fishing a game, a sport or a hobby?钓鱼是一种游戏、一种体育运动还是一种爱好?

  It can be a sport and a hobby, but not a game.它可能是一种运动,一种爱好,但不是一种游戏。

  You see, a sport involves physical activity, a game or hobby doesnrsquo;t need to.你知道运动包括体能活动,而游戏和爱好则不必。

  So we can play board games like chess or drafts that involve little physical effort.所以,我们可以下跳棋、象棋,而它们不需要太多的体能。

  We can collect stamps or coins which are hobbies, and are neither games nor sports.我们可以收集邮票或钱币,这些是爱好,既不是游戏也不是体育。

  Watching sports can be considered a hobby, but participating rarely is.观看体育运动可说是一种爱好,但很少参与。

  Playing card games is not really a sport, but can be thought of as a hobby.打牌不是一种真正的体育运动,也可认为是一种爱好。

  We often hear people say that their hobby is playing tennis etc.我们常听人们说他们的爱好是打网球等。

  But itrsquo;s more of a sport than a hobby.但在这里体育运动成份比爱好的成份多。

  Actually itrsquo;s not wrong to use either term.实际上,两种说法都没错。

  Computer games are becoming more and more popular.电脑游戏也越来越普遍。

  These do not involve any physical exertion.这些都不含有任何体能参与。

  They are also taking over from popular board games.传统的拼图游戏也在其中了。

  They are considered more exciting and competitive.它们更刺激更具挑战性。



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