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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section 53 Toys

  The first toy I remember being given was a doll.我记得收到的第一个玩具是个布娃娃。

  You probably had other toys, you know, squeaky things when you are a baby.也许你小的时候也会有其它的玩具,比如会叫的东西。

  Maybe. What was the first toy you can remember?也许吧。你记得的第一件玩具是什么呢?

  I think it was probably a car or a gun.我想也许是一辆车或一支枪。

  Um. Thatrsquo;s because you are a boy and I am a girl.嗯,那是因为你是男孩而我是女孩。

  Yeah. Well, boys get boyrsquo;s toys and girls get dolls and pretend babies, donrsquo;t they?是的。男孩有男孩的玩具而女孩则会有布娃娃之类的玩具,是吗?

  Yes. But I am not sure it is the right thing to do though.是的,但我不知道是否该这样做。

  Why not?为什么呢?

  Because it preconditions the sexes what to expect to be or do when they are older.因为这提前约束了不同的性别,暗示了他们长大后应该和不应该做的事。

  Yeah. But not all toys are gender driven, are they?没错,但不是所有的玩具都有性别暗示。

  I suppose not. What can you think of that is not gender driven?我想不是。不具有性别暗示的玩具你能想到什么呢?

  How about jigsaw puzzles, you know, where you put pieces together to make a picture?比如拼图游戏,就是那种把碎片拼成一幅图的游戏。

  Oh, yes. And crayons, pens, pencils.哦,是的,还有蜡笔、颜料、铅笔。

  Yes. And board games are not usually specific for boys or girls, are they?是的,拼板游戏通常也不限于男孩或女孩,不是吗?

  No, not normally. But are they toys or games? Is there a difference?是的,不全是,但它们称得上是玩具或游戏吗?有什么不同吗?



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