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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section 58 Internet

  The Internet is the latest innovation in computing communication.互联网是电脑通信上的最新发明。

  People call it the net or WWW, which means World Wide Web.人们称之为ldquo;网rdquo;或www,即万维网。

  The Internet can provide very quick access to a mass of data.互联网使人们有机会接触大量的资讯。

  By using one of the many search engines on the web, we can get information about almost anything you can imagine.通过网上的各个搜索器,我们可以找到所需要的几乎所有的资料。

  You simply type in a word or phrase to describe what you are seeking.你只要键入一个词或一个词组来说明你所要搜索的对象。

  Then the web will give you many choices of where to find what you want.这时网上就会给你提供很多跟你想要的资料相关的网站。

  Then you scroll down the list of suggestions and choose what you think is right.然后,你可以进行滚屏操作,从中选择你认为合适的。

  The whole process takes just a minute or so, in some cases it takes just seconds.整个过程大约1分钟左右,有些时候只需几秒钟。

  Usually when you find what you want, it will direct you to other similar links.通常当你找到你所需的资料,它会把你导向类似的链接。

  Most people also use the net for Email, Electronic Mail.大多数人通过网上发送电子邮件。

  This enables us to send letters in a matter of seconds rather than days.发送电子邮件只需几秒钟就可以完成,不像过去需要好几天。

  All that is needed is your Email address and the Email address of the person you want to write to.你所需要的只是你的电子信箱和收信人的电子信箱。

  Advertising is very big on the Internet now, too. All big companies do it.网上的广告也很多,所有的大公司都会在网上做广告。

  Business to business, B to B, and E-Commerce are becoming new ways of doing business transactions.B2B以及电子商务正成为新的商业活动方式。

  Shopping on the net is becoming popular too.网上购物也正越来越流行。



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