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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section 22 Radio

  When television became popular, people thought the radio would not survive.电视开始流行时,人们认为广播将无法生存。

  As we all know today, that was wrong.正如今天我们看到的,事实并非如此。

  In fact, most people in the west listen to radio more than they watch TV.事实上,在西方,大多数人听广播比看电视还多。

  Do you believe that?你相信吗?

  Well, they listen in the morning when they are getting ready to go to work.早晨,准备上班时,他们听广播。

  They listen when they are driving their cars.他们开车时听。

  Some listen when they are walking in the street.有些人走路时听。

  Sometimes we see people with walkmans.有时,我们看见有人带着随身听。

  But we donrsquo;t know if they are listening to radio or to their own music.但不知他们是听广播还是听他们自己的音乐。

  For many many years, we learned about new music only from the radio.多年以来,人们只能从广播上听到新的音乐。

  Today perhaps television programs like MTV are taking over.现在,它也许正被电视上的MTV所取代。

  Have you heard of the BBC and VOA?你听说过BBC或VOA吗?

  Then you probably know these from learning English.也许你在学习英语时认识了它们。

  Many students in China use the radio to help them study language.许多中国学生通过听广播来学习英语。

  Although there are television stations like CCTV9 which can help, radios are cheap to buy and easy to carry around.尽管像中央电视台第九频道也能帮助学习英语,但收音机比较便宜,也比较容易携带。

  So radio still has some advantages over television.这么说来,与电视相比,收音机还是有一定优势的。



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