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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section42 Visiting the Doctor

  In China, when people get ill, they usually go to the hospital.在中国,人们生病时大多去医院。

  In the west, people will go to their doctor.在西方,人们则去看他们的私人医生。

  Every person will be registered with a doctor, who gets to know them well.每个人都与一位医生挂号,他们对病人比较了解。

  The doctor will keep a medical record which is a history of your health.医生会保存你的病历,这是你的健康史。

  Usually, before going to the doctor, we will telephone for an appointment.通常去看医生前,都要电话预约。

  Then we go to the doctorrsquo;s surgery at the appointed time, and wait until the doctor is ready.然后我们按预定的时间到医生的诊所去等候,直到医生一切都准备就绪。

  We will wait in the waiting room with the other people who want to see the doctor.我们和其他就医者一起,在候诊室里候诊。

  When it is our turn to go in, we usually go in alone and in private.轮到我们时,通常是单独、个别地进去。

  Then the doctor will ask some questions before he or she decides what to do.医生做决定之前,会先问一些问题。

  Usually the doctor will prescribe medicines for us to take.医生一般会给我们开些口服药。

  If there is something very serious, then the doctor may decide to send us to hospital.如果遇到非常严重的问题,医生会决定送我们去医院。

  If we are too ill to go to the surgery, the doctor will visit us at our home.如果我们病得无法到诊所去,医生会到我们家来。

  In Europe, the doctor will be paid by the government, not by the patient.在欧洲,医生的工资是由政府支付的而不是病人。

  However, we may have to pay for the medicine that is prescribed.但是我们要支付医生所开的药的钱。

  Doctors are very respected members of the community.医生在社区里是很受尊敬的。



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