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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section 21 Television

  How many hours a day do you watch television?你每天看几个小时电视?

  In many modern western countries, the average is 4 hours per day.现代许多西方国家,人们每天平均看四小时。

  Many people think it is too much, do you agree?许多人认为这太多了,你同意吗?

  What are the benefits of watching TV?看电视有什么好处?

  Its impact since it became popular is tremendous.自从电视流行以来,它的影响是巨大的。

  It is only since the second half of the 20th century that it became available to most people in the west.在西方,到了20世纪中叶,电视才普及到大多数人。

  In China it is less than that.中国,电视普及的时间稍晚些。

  But now it is so popular that it can be seen everywhere.但是现在,电视随处可见。

  What do most people like to watch on TV?人们喜欢从电视上看到什么?

  Well, it can be different according to their age.不同年龄的人有不同的需要。

  Movies, of course, are popular.影片当然是非常受欢迎的。

  As is the news and the weather reports.同样受欢迎的,还有资讯和天气预报。

  Soap operas are also very popular indeed.肥皂剧自然也很受欢迎。

  Some soaps as we call them have been running for over 30 years.我们称之为ldquo;肥皂剧rdquo;的某些剧目,已经流行三十多年了。

  Name some soaps from your own countryrsquo;s television networks.说出一些你们国家电视上播放的肥皂剧的名称吧。

  Today, due to satellite broadcasting, we are able to get programs from all over the world.现在,借助卫星通讯,我们可以接收到世界各地的节目。

  In Europe, for example, people can see CCTV.比如,在欧洲,人们可以收看到中国中央电视台的节目。

  Did you know that?你知道吗?



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