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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section 18 Music

  Some people say that music is the universal language.有人说音乐是环球语言。

  Music bridges culture better than language does.音乐比语言能更好地进行文化交流。

  Almost everyone in the world knows about classical music.几乎世界上所有人都知道古典音乐。

  Classical music is the kind written by Beethoven, Bach, Wagner, Tchaikovsky etc.古典音乐指的是贝多芬、巴赫、瓦格纳、柴可夫斯基等人的作品。

  These composers came from different countries.这些作曲家们来自不同的国家。

  But their music spread around the world.但是他们的音乐传播到世界各地。

  Today we can buy all kinds of music to listen to.如今我们可以买到各种不同的音乐来听。

  Popular music, also called pop music, generally appeals to teenagers.流行音乐也叫热门音乐,对年轻人很有吸引力。

  Rock, jazz, blues, opera, soul and folk music are specialest kinds of music.摇滚、爵士、布鲁斯、歌剧、灵魂乐和民谣都属特种音乐。

  However, they can appeal to all kinds of people in all countries.然而,它们却吸引着世界各国不同阶层的人们。

  In the 1960s and 1970s, the Beatles from England were the most famous musicians.60年代和70年代,来自英国的披头士是最著名的音乐人。

  Their music influenced young people around the world.他们的音乐对世界各国的青年人有很大的影响。

  Although they no longer create music like Beethoven etc. the Beatlesrsquo; music is still loved and performed.和贝多芬一样,虽然披头士们不再进行音乐创作,他们的音乐仍然深受人们的喜爱,并且还在各地演出。

  Today there is such a wide variety of music to choose from that it seems difficult.现在,人们对音乐的选择多种多样,甚至有点无所适从。

  It may be best to try all the different kinds available.也许最好的方式是尝试各种能接触到的不同类型。

  Then we can buy and enjoy the ones we like most.然后我们可以去购买和欣赏我们最喜欢的。



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