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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section 20 Famous Musicians

  How many musical instruments can you think of?你知道几种乐器呢?

  Can you name anyone famous for playing what you chose?你能说出一位你知道的乐器的著名演奏家吗?

  How many are from the 20th century?有几位是二十世纪的呢?

  Before then, most famous musicians were also composers.在二十世纪之前,大多数著名的音乐家都是作曲家。

  Composers were more famous than the players.作曲家比演奏家更出名。

  Is that the case today?现在还如此吗?

  Most of the famous musicians before the 20th century played in orchestras.二十世纪之前的著名音乐家大都在交响乐队里演出。

  Today, many of the most well-known musicians belong to the rock and pop world.现在,许多出名的音乐人都是摇滚乐和流行音乐圈的。

  If they create their own music, are they also composers?如果他们自己创作音乐,他们能称作是作曲家吗?

  Yes, they are. But their work is different to that of Beethoven etc.是的,他们是。但是他们的作品与贝多芬等的作品不同。

  Is Michael Jackson as famous as Beethoven?迈克尔middot;杰克逊和贝多芬一样著名吗?

  Will his work last as long?他的作品也能有相同的生命力吗?

  Modern musicians and composers usually do not stay famous for more than a year or two.现在的音乐家和作曲家受欢迎的时间很少超过一年的。

  Todayrsquo;s fame is often short lived.现在的名气往往都是一时的。

  But the famous will earn lots and lots of money.但成名者却有大利可图。

  It is interesting to compare musicians like Beethoven and Michael Jackson.把贝多芬和杰克逊作比较非常有趣。

  It is difficult to say which is the best because they are so different.很难说谁比较好,因为他们太不相同了。

  Each one was famous because they gave the public the right thing at the right time.他们都是优秀的,因为他们满足了不同时代不同人的需要。



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