牛津英语7B Unit 3 welcome-vocabulary教学案-查字典英语网
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牛津英语7B Unit 3 welcome-vocabulary教学案

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 3 Finding your way

  Comic stripWelcome to the unit







  1. go on an outing ____________________ 2.be afraid of________________

  3.go up____________________________ 4.go down ________________

  5.follow me _____________________ 6.have to do sth.______________

  7.在西北方向 _____________________ 8.找到你的路________________

  9.在北部 ______________________ 10.在西南方向_______________


  英语中表示位于的方位,可用be(+to the)+方位词+of+地点这一结构,指一个地方在另一个地方的外围的相对位置。

  我的学校在我家的北面。My school is (to the ) north of my home.

  台湾位于福建的东面。 Taiwan is (to the ) east of Fujian.



  1.Lets _________ (help) him with his English.

  2._____________(do, not) your homework at school.

  3.______________(be not) afraid to sing before your classmates and teachers.

  4.Do you know what _____________(do) for our school trip?

  5.I think youll ___________(have) to _____________(clean) the floor now.

  6.__________(be not) late for class next time.

  7.Li Leis mother __________(have) to _________(wash) clothes on Sundays.

  8.Let Jim ___________(do) his homework in the bedroom.

  9.Do you know where ____________(go) to enjoy yourself.

  10.Who can answer the __________(follow)questions?They are not easy.


  1.I think Millies answer is right. (改为同义句)

  I______ think Millies answer is________.

  2.I get up late this morning.I am afraid that I will be late. (同义表达)

  I get up late this morning.I am afraid________ _________ late.


  ( )1._______ Daniel take his dog to school______ him?

  A.Shall;and B.Shall;with C.Will; with D.Will; and

  ( )2. Taiwan is _________ the east of China.

  A.to B.in C.from D. on

  ( )3.Can you help Jim find _________the Summer Palace?

  A. the way B. the way to C. to the way D. the way to get

  ( )4.There _______ a football match on tne playground tomorrow.

  A.will have B will be C.is D.is going to have

  Unit 3 Finding your way







  一. 写出下列单词或词组:

  1) 住在...附近_______________ 2) 出小汽车__________________

  3) 立刻_______________________ 4) 开走______________________

  5) 尽力开门___________________ 6) 乘汽车____________________

  7) 沿着6号街直走_____________ 8) 向右拐进4号街___________

  9) 停在交通灯处_______________ 10) 最后_____________________


  ( ) 1. Justin, Paul and Susan lived in the same building.

  ( ) 2. Justin and Paul ran to Hill Building at once.

  ( ) 3. Three men in police uniform told them about the robbers.

  ( ) 4. Paul opened the door of the van with a knife.

  ( ) 5. They took different routes.

  ( ) 6. Justin went along 6th street.

  ( ) 7. They met at the police station at last.

  ( ) 8. The robbers tried to run away but failed.


  ( ) 1. catch A. at last, finally

  ( ) 2. police uniform B. use your hands to make something move forward

  ( ) 3. nearby C. a set of clothes for the police

  ( ) 4. traffic lights D. take hold of a person or an animal that tries to escape(逃)

  ( ) 5. push E. not far away

  ( ) 6. fail F. the way to go from one place to another

  ( ) 7. in the end G. not to be successful in doing something

  ( ) 8. suddenly H. fast

  ( ) 9. quickly I. quickly and unexpectedly

  ( )10.route J. a set of red, orange and green lights at a crossroads


  1. nearby意为在附近一带。如:

  他在附近的一所学校教英语。He teaches E nglish in a school nearby.

  他在附近工作。 He works nearby.

  2. Paul stops talking.句中stop doing意为停止(正在干的事),stop to do表示停下(正在做的一件事去干另一件事)。如:


  They stopped talking when the teacher came into the classroom.


  When he sees me ,he stopped to talk with me.



  1.We were _____________(surprise) to hear him sing.

  2.The cat tried _______________(catch) the bird but failed.

  3.The boy failed ____________(keep) his room clean and tidy.

  4.The three __________(rob) got into the car and drove away.


  1.They drove a car to the station quickly.

  They _________ ___________ the station ___________ _________ quickly.

  2.Turn left at the second crossing.

  ________ the second __________ ________ the ___________.

  3.He was surprised to see the robbers.

  _________ he ________ the robbers, he felt very ____________.

  4.He used a knife and tried again, it worked.

  He ________ to ________ the door again ________ a knife, it worked.


  ( ) 1. I dont like this coat. Would you please show me ________.

  A. other B. the other C. the others D. another

  ( ) 2. The earth goes ________ the sun.

  A. over B. across C. from D. around

  ( ) 3. My clock doesnt ________. Can you mend it for me?

  A. more B. walk C. use D. work

  ( ) 4. Jack, with his friends, _________ see Mr Li tomorrow.

  A. is going to B. are going to C. go to D. will goes

  ( ) 5. After he heard the _________ news, he was very __________.

  A. surprised, surprising B. surprised, surprised

  C. surprising, surprising D. surprising, surprised


  1. 这个强盗从大厦里跑了出去。

  2. 我们走不同的线路好吗?

  3. 看到他们的父母,这些孩子很惊奇。

  4. 你能告诉我怎样去购物中心吗?

  5. 你认识去警察局的路吗?

  Unit 2 Finding your way







  1.Zebra crossing ________________ 2.Straight on__________________

  3.No smoking _________________ 4.Dangerous__________________

  5.Turn left _________________ 6.No parking__________________

  7.Slow ________________ 8.No photos___________________




  1. To get to the park, turn left when you come to the __________(十字路口)。

  2. Dont ______________(横穿) the street.

  3. This sign tells us that we can go ______________(径直) on.

  4. My brother works in Sunshine _______________(宾馆).

  5. Walk down the road, you can find the office ___________(easy)

  6. Perhaps you can find your money ________(inside) the corner of the box.


  Daniel: _________ me. Is there a post office near here, please?

  Police: No, there isnt. The nearest one is _______ 3 kilometers _______. Youd better take a bus.

  Daniel: Which bus should I _______, please?

  Police: I think you need a _______ 8 bus.

  Daniel: Where is the ________ ________, please?

  Police: Go _________ this road and take the first ________ on the left. The bus stop is along that road _________ the right.

  Daniel: Thank you very much.


  1、 杰尔现在坐在我左边。


  2、 在十字路口向右转,你会发现入口处就在你前面。


  3、 哪一个答案是正确的。


  4、 我们沿着第六街走,然后右转进进入公园路。



  Susan wants to close the window, but it doesnt work. (改为同义句)

  Susan wants to close the window _______ _______. (but fails)

  Take the second turning on the right. (改为同义句)

  ________ ________ at the _________ turning. ( Turn right, second)

  Lets go along the lake. (先改为反意疑问句,再改为同义句)

  ______ ________ go along the lake? ( Why not)

  Lets go along the lake, ________ ________? (shall we)

  To my surprise, I meet a friend of mine here. (改为同义句)

  I _______ _______ ________ _______ a friend of mine here. (am surprised to meet)

  五 按要求进行句型转换(每空一词):

  1. There is a big building near my home. There is a supermarket near my home.(将两句并为一句)

  There is ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ near my home.

  2. My school is between a park and a shop.(对划线部分提问)

  ______ ______ ______ ______?

  3. on, a, through, the, take, walk, Zhongshan, park, road(连词成句)

  4. There is a big supermarket next to this road.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

  _____ ______ a big supermarket next to this hotel? _____ ______ ______.

  5. how, me, you, to, tell, let, there, get(连词成句)



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