例如absolute signal words出现在SAT阅读观点句中,表明这个观点作者一定是赞同的,所以下文的行文方向将向着立论的方向进行下去。而possibility signal words出现在SAT阅读观点句中,则表明作者对这个观点一定持怀疑态度,所以下文的行文方向将向着驳论或质疑的角度进行下去。我们来看下面的一段文字:
Does the threat of the death penalty deter people from murderous behavior more than the threat of imprisonment for life? We do not yet know with anything even approaching certainty whether the death penalty does or does not deter. The question is clearly empirical, and it is likely that sophisticated statistical techniques will eventually permit us an answer.
这里出现了likely,它属于possibility signal words,所以我们可以预判作者对精密的统计技术的态度其实是怀疑的,所以下文应该是往质疑或驳斥的角度写下去。而后面的文字 All statistical arguments on the death penalty are, however, excruciatingly complex and misleading. 证明了我们的猜测。
Absolute Signal Words
These words should make the reader reject a statement unless there is strong support.
always, definitely, irrefutably, assuredly, indisputably, undeniably, certainly, invariably, without question, etc.
Probability Signal Words
These words suggest that the information may be accurate but that other possibilities may exist.
almost, probably, presumably, there is little question, etc.
Possibility Signal Words
These words suggest that the ideas are subject to debate and that there is doubt as to their complete validity.
apparently, may/maybe, possible, somewhat, could be, might, seems, likely, perhaps, seemingly, etc.
上一篇: 深入掌握SAT阅读长难句例句
下一篇: SAT阅读生词如何回避
牛津实用英语语法:294 care和like
牛津实用英语语法:268 regret,remember,forget
牛津实用英语语法:282 其他表示命令的方式
牛津实用英语语法:270 go on,stop,try,used(to)
牛津实用英语语法:304 被动态的各种用法
牛津实用英语语法:283 can/could/may/might I/we?表示请求
牛津实用英语语法:284 could/will/would you?等表示请求
牛津实用英语语法:299 wish,want和would like
牛津实用英语语法:278 分词的完成式(主动语态)
牛津实用英语语法:273 位于表示感觉的动词之后