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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  15 My first day observing a community of forest chim-panzees showed me a richer and more satisfying world than I had imagined. I suddenly recognized why I, a non-scientist, or anyone should care about what happens to them: not, ultimately, because they use tools and solve 20 problems and are intellectual beings, but because theyare emotional beings, as we are, and because their emotions are so obviously similar to ours.

  I was moved by the play,the adult male chasing a toddler round and round a tree, the mother nibbling 25 her babys toes and looking blissful, the three females playing with and adoring a single infant. They feel! That was my discovery.

  9. Both passages support which generalization about wild chimpanzees?

   Their family structures are somewhat similar to those of humans.

   Their behavior often resembles that of humans.

   Their actions are prompted by strong psychological urges.

   Their facial expressions can be interpreted accurately by nonspecialists.

   Their reactions differ from those of other apes.

  10. The primary purpose of passage 2 is to

   describe a typical days work on a scientific project

   report details about an attempt to train wild chimpanzees

   propose an alternative method of studying animal behavior

   convey an unexpected and memorable insight

   relive an unusual and fleeting experience

  11. The experience described in passage 2 most directly suggests that the statement about the danger

   accurately assesses the strength of a common human impulse

   needlessly exaggerates the risks a person faces among wild chimpanzees

   appropriately warns professionals about the necessity of keeping their research current

   discourages overly optimistic observers from expecting to make new discoveries

   fails to consider the consequences of a flawed research methodology

  12. The author of Passage 1 would most likely respond to lines 26-27 in Passage 2 by

   applauding the author for maintaining scientific objectivity

   chiding the author for not submitting findings for scientific review

   criticizing the author for having poorly defined research goals

   urging the author to rely less on observations

   cautioning the author against failing to verify a conclusion



  题答案: B

  简析:在做这道题时,我们还是要注意both这个关键词,一定要把握在两篇文章里面都出现才可以被选作答案这个原则。看看哪些东西是两篇都有的,而不是前有后没有,后有前没有,甚至两篇都没有。It is not hard.


  简析:我们在读第二篇阅读时要把握作者的身份,作者不是科学家,而是作为一个普普通通的人来观察猩猩的,这里面不带有任何科学意为,而纯粹是被眼前的景象所吸引,所以用convey比较合适,unexpected and memorable也能体现出作者的心情。最后一项relive这个词用得不对,我们知道re=again,显然relive放在这是不合适的。


  简析:我们首先要回到原文找到所谓的danger指的是什么,在原文中我们可以看到,danger说的是: automatically interpreting what they see as if chimps act from human motivations. 我们面临的一个误区就是不自觉地把把猩猩的行为跟人类的行为作比,把猩猩的行为看作人类的行为是不可取的。而Passage 2 的作者正是这么做的,所以说the statement suggests that the statement about the danger, accurately assesses the strength of a common human impulse。


  简析:当我们看到Intuitive interpretations may initially be based on an understanding stemming directly from empathy, but they must be tested after- ward against the facts set out in the data.这道题就迎刃而解了。感觉不如数据可靠,要verify一个conclusion还是要用data说话。



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