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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  82. The issue here is whether business and government are doing enough to help meet

  the needs and goals of women in the workplace. I agree with the speaker insofar as

  many employers can do more to accommodate the special needs of women in their role

  as mothers. However, it seems to me that business and government are doing their fair

  share otherwise for women in the workplace.

  Women differ fundamentally from men in their child-bearing ability. Related to

  this ability is the maternal instinct―a desire to nurture that is far stronger for women

  than for men, generally speaking. At a minimum, then, businesses should acknowledge

  these fundamental differences and accommodate them so that a female employees job

  and career are not jeopardized merely for fulfilling her instinctive role as a female.

  More and more businesses are providing maternal leave with full benefits, day-care

  facilities, and job-sharing programs to accommodate these special needs of women. In

  my observation, however, many businesses can do more in these respects.

  However, beyond accommodating these fundamental differences, neither business

  nor government has a special duty to improve the status of women at the workplace.

  The government already has an obligation to enact and enforce anti-discrimination laws,

  and to provide legal means for seeking redress in cases of discrimination. Moreover,

  business and government both have a legal duty to abide by those laws by way of their

  hiring, salary, and job-promotion policies. Discharging this duty should, in my view,

  suffice to serve the special interests of women in the workplace. While many would

  argue that de facto double standards still run rampant and largely unchecked, this claim

  raises subjective perceptions about fairness that can neither be confirmed nor dispelled

  with certainty.

  In sum, business and government can always do more to accommodate women in

  their special role as mothers. Otherwise, insofar as they are adhering to our current anti-

  discrimination laws, business and government are discharging their duty to help meet

  the needs and goals of women at the workplace.    



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