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GMAT issue提纲(十八)

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  203The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines.

  1 英雄人物代表了国家的价值取向。有时确实可以反映社会的倾向。

  America, heroes or heroines are characterized as potent individuals who can save groups of people, the nation or even the whole world in crises. It is the reflection of the individualism in western countries. Such heroes include President Washington, who overcame unprecedented obstacles and hardship to unite the continental army and latter established the United States, and President Lincoln, who freed the American blacks in the south and reunited the nation during the Civil War. On the other hand, in eastern countries, such as China where collectivism is highly valued, heroes or heroines are characterized as of high sense of self-sacrifice for the interests of the group or the whole nation.

  2 公众的行为可能和这些英雄人物还不相同。

  A hero一般被传媒夸大了。他们的缺点都被视而不见,已经不是原来的那个真人。

  B公众的行为可能和这些英雄人物还不相同。不可能那么理想化,他们关注得更多的是自己的生活,子女的教育等实际的问题. studying the heroes and heroines is an effective way but may not be the best way. Hero may only reflect one character of society; however, there are many characters in a society. Since the society is made up of many people, only by studying the thoughts and actions of figures in various grades can one thoroughly comprehend a society?

  3 要了解一个社会,还要了解社会的文化传统、教育情况、科技水平、政治制度等等。 However, only emphasizing on the hero and heroines is not enough//Some characters which are also crucial cannot be reflected by them. Attitudes toward crimes, sexual intercourse prior //to marriage, and endless others. Also we could not understand the situations of economy, technologies, martial potency //and the like. It would fall into the category of hastiness and narrowness when we understand the character of a society //simply by its heroes and heroines.

  28Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little.

  1 首先,记住事实是必须的,基础的,无论在哪个层面上,我们首先都要靠记忆掌握最基本的东西。才能举一反三。如不知道基本基本的单词拼写和语法,无法写文章;不知道基本的运算法则,不能解决问题。

  2 了解事实背后的~~~~~当然会有帮助理解和记忆。如了解成语背后的典故可以激发学生的积极,便于理解和掌握,而且不会轻易忘记;而且掌握了这些~~~~更可以举一反三,而不靠死记硬背表面的掌握知识, 这才培养了真正的学习能力provide them with the ability to solve problems before the class and in the future.。

  3 concede两个都是同样重要,为了学习的更有efficient和meaningful,前后顺序并不重要, strict adherence to the speakers advice would surely lead to ill-conceived ideas, concepts and theries. 比如学习地理,要先记住国家和民族名称,再记发展。而学习化学,要先了解反应机理,才能够真正的记下方程式。

  112Some educational systems emphasize the development of students capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions.

  1 理性是进行教育的基础。无论哪个学科,它们理论上的推导和掌握都是客观的,而情感是主观的。尤其是在理科,自然科学上,很难想像,如在物理模型,化学试验上,加入情感元素会是什么样子

  The ability to survive and thrive in a society is based on the assumption that human beings act according to reason and logic.

  As a result, the basic framework of most forms of human society requires that a person must act according to the demands of reason and logic.

  2 感性教育也是不容忽视的,它是学生发展更全面a certain amount of self-introspection into ones emotions is probably helpful to the development of a student as an overall person. emotion exploring是现代西方流行的情感教育 指的是教育过程中的一个部分,即对学生的态度、感受、信念和情绪等方面的关注,以及对学生的自尊、个人发展和社会发展的关注。使人更加了解生存,教育的价值,从而更好的学习

  3 两方面要平衡:能够很好处理烦恼Vexation和情绪问题的人更容易获得成功。Carnegie说过,重要的是把握平衡。



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