metaphysical : pertaining to speculative philosophy
meticulous : excessively careful
migrant : changing its habitat; wandering
migratory : wandering
mincing : affectedly dainty
mobile : movable; not fixed
modish : fashionable
molten : melted
momentous : very important
monetary : pertaining to money
monotheism : belief in one God
moot : debatable
morbid : given to unwholesome thought; gloomy
mordant : biting; sarcastic; stinging
moribund : at the point of death
morose : ill-humored; sullen
motley : parti-colored; mixed
muggy : warm and damp
multiform : having many forms
multilingual : having many languages
mundane : worldly as opposed to spiritual
munificent : very generous
musky : having the odor of musk
musty : stale; spoiled by age
mutable : changing in form; fickle
mutinous : unruly; rebellious
natal : pertaining to birth
nebulous : cloudy; hazy
nefarious : very wicked
niggardly : meanly stingy; parsimonious
nocturnal : done at night
noisome : foul smelling; unwholesome
nomadic : wandering
noncommittal : neutral; unpledged; undecided
notorious : outstandingly bad; unfavorably known
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