jaded : fatigued; surfeited
jaundiced : yellowed; prejudiced; envious
jocose :giving to joking
jocular : said or done in jest
jocund : merry
judicious : wise; determined by sound judgment
lackadaisical : affectedly languid
laconic : brief and to the point
laggard : slow; sluggish
lambent : flickering; softly radiant
laminated : made of thin plates or scales
languid : weary; sluggish; listless
lascivious : lustful
latent : dormant; hidden
lateral : coming from the side
laudatory : expressing praise
lavish : liberal; wasteful
lecherous : impure in thought and act; lustful; unchaste
lethal : deadly
lethargic : drowsy; dull
lewd : lustful
libelous : defamatory; injurious to the good name of a person
libidinous : lustful
licentious : wanton; lewd; dissolute
limpid : clear
linguistic : pertaining to language
lithe : flexible; supple
livid : lead-colored; black and blue; enraged
loath : averse; reluctant
loquacious : talkative
lucent : shining
lucid : bright; easily understood
lucrative : profitable
lugubrious : mournful
luminous : shining; issuing light
lunar : pertaining to the moon
lurid : wild; sensational
luscious : pleasing to taste or smell
lustrous : shining
luxuriant : fertile; abundant; ornate
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