pecuniary : pertaining to money
pedantic :showing off learning; bookish
pell-mell : in confusion; disorderly
pellucid : transparent; limpid; easy to understand
pendant : hanging down from something
pendent : suspended; jutting; pending
penitent : repentant
pensive : dreamily thoughtful; thoughtful with a hint of sadness
penurious : stingy; parsimonious
peremptory : demanding and leaving no choice
perennial : lasting
perfidious : basely false
perforce : of necessity
perfunctory : superficial; listless; not thorough
peripatetic : walking about; moving
permeable : porous; allowing passage through
pernicious : very destructive
perpetual : everlasting
perspicacious : having insight; penetrating; astute
pert : impertinent; forward
pertinacious : stubborn; persistent
pertinent : suitable; to the point
perverse : stubborn; intractable
pervious : penetrable
pestilential : causing plague; baneful
petulant : touchy; peevish
phlegmatic : calm; not easily disturbed
pied : variegated; multicolored
pious : devout
piquant : pleasantly tart-tasting; stimulating
piscatorial : pertaining to fishing
pithy : concise; meaty
placid : peaceful; calm
plaintive : mournful
plauditory : approving; applauding
plebeian : common; pertaining to the common people
上一篇: GRE词汇如何表示“熬夜”?
下一篇: GRE考试真题常见形容词词汇5
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British and American English导学案4
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Why don’t you talk to your parents学案2
Let’s celebrate单元测试8
Where would you like to visit教案5
Why don’t you talk to your parents学案4
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Days and Months单元测试9