extreme weather 极端天气
adverse weather condition 恶劣的天气状况
desertification 沙漠化
sandstorm 沙尘暴
air quality rating 空气质量评级
visibility 能见度
sand and dust weather 沙尘天气
forestation 植树造林
Three-North Shelter Forestation Project 三北防护林工程
arid and semi-arid areas 干旱和半干旱地区
topsoil 表土层
high temperature 高温
less rainfall 少雨
cold snap 寒潮
stormy wind 暴风
blizzard 大风雪
snowstorm 暴风雪
ice rain 冻雨
thunderstorm 雷暴
hail/hailstone 冰雹
frosty 霜冻
cold spell 春寒期
dry spell 干旱期
drought-relief efforts 抗旱
drinking water shortage 饮用水缺乏
drought region 干旱地区
rain spell 雨季
precipitation 降雨或降雪量
fog 浓雾
sleet 雨夹雪;雹;冻雨
hurricane 飓风
cyclone 旋风
typhoon 台风
whirlwind 龙卷风
waterspout 海上龙卷风
Indian summer 秋老虎
weather modification 人工影响天气
artificial precipitation/rainfall enhancement 人工增雨
artificial rainfall infiltration 人工降雨
El Nino phenomenon 厄尔尼诺现象
La Nina phenomenon 拉尼娜现象
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冀教版六年级上Unit1《lesson6 In the living room》word同步测试题(一)
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冀教版六年级上Unit1《lesson6 In the living room》word同步测试题
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