tacit :: understood; not put into words
taciturn :: habitually silent; talking little
tactile :: pertaining to the organs or sense of touch
tainted :: contaminated; corrupt
tautological :: needlessly repetitious
tawdry :: cheap and gaudy
temporal :: not lasting forever; limited by time; secular
tenacious :: holding fast
tentative :: provisional; experimental
tenuous :: thin; rare; slim
tepid :: lukewarm
terrestrial :: on the earth
terse :: concise; abrupt; pithy
tertiary :: third
testy :: irritable; short-tempered
therapeutic :: curative
thermal :: pertaining to heat
titanic :: gigantic
titular :: nominal holding of title without obligations
torpid :: dormant; dull; lethargic
tortuous :: winding; full of curves
touchy :: sensitive; irascible
toxic :: poisonous
tractable :: docile
transient :: fleeting; quickly passing away; staying for a short time
translucent :: partly transparent
transparent :: permitting light to pass through freely; easily detected
tremulous :: trembling; wavering
trenchant :: cutting; keen
trite :: hackneyed; commonplace
truculent :: aggressive; savage
tumid :: swollen; pompous; bombastic
turbid :: muddy; having the sediment disturbed
turgid :: swollen; distended
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