archaic :: antiquated
arduous :: hard; strenuous
aromatic :: fragrant
arrant :: thorough; complete; unmitigated
ascetic :: practicing self-denial; austere
ashen :: ash-colored
asinine :: stupid
askance :: with a sideway or indirect look
askew :: crookedly; slanted; at an angle
assiduous :: diligent
astral :: relating to the stars
astute :: wise; shrewd
astringent :: binding; causing contraction
atheistic :: denying the existence of God
athwart :: across; in opposition
atypical :: not normal
auspicious :: favoring success
austere :: strict; stern
autonomous :: self-governing
auxiliary :: helper, additional or subsidiary
averse :: reluctant
avid :: greedy; eager for
avuncular :: like an uncle
awry :: distorted; crooked
azure :: sky blue
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