音像法: 利用数字化音频和视频图象进行记忆的方法就叫音像法 该方法生动直观,且有许多附带的好处进行记忆的方法就叫音像法.该方法生动直观,且有许多附带的好处.从500部原版英文电影中剪辑出3500个片段,可在多媒体电脑上反复播放,总共所涵盖的词汇量在15000以上.每个片段片长在1秒至1分钟之间,每个片段可诠释1个或多个单词.
例1: Theres only one way to deal with Rome, Antinanase. You must serve her, youmust abase yourself before her, you must grovel at her feet, you must love her.
例2: Dr.:Give in, sir, please. Officer:Im adamant, I will not have an officer from my battalion working as coolie.
下一篇: GRE奇经顿悟式记忆法之同构法