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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.The popularity of pseudoscience and quack medicines in thenineteenth century suggests that people were very ____, but thegullibility of the public today makes citizens of yesterday look likehard-nosed ____.

   cautious.. educators

   sophisticated.. realists

   rational.. pragmatists

   naive.. idealists

   credulous.. skeptics

  2.Having sufficient income of her own constituted for Alice ____independence that made possible a degree of ____ in her emotional lifeas well.

   a material.. security

   a profound.. conformity

   a financial.. economy

   a psychological.. extravagance

   an unexpected.. uncertainty

  3.The success of science is due in great part to its emphasis on____ : the reliance on evidence rather than ____ and the willingness todraw conclusions even when they conflict with traditional beliefs.

   causality.. experimentation

   empiricism.. facts

   objectivity.. preconceptions

   creativity.. observation

   conservatism.. assumptions

  4.Given the failure of independent laboratories to replicate theresults of Dr. Johnsons experiment, only the most ____ supporters ofher hypothesis would be foolish enough to claim that it had beenadequately ____

   fastidious.. defined

   partisan.. verified

   vigilant.. publicized

   enlightened.. researched

   fervent.. undermined

  5.One virus strain that may help gene therapists cure genetic braindiseases can enter the peripheral nervous system and travel to thebrain, ____ the need to inject the therapeutic virus directly into thebrain.






  6.Artificial light ____ the respiratory activity of somemicroorganisms in the winter but not in the summer, in part because inthe summer their respiration is already at its peak and thus cannot be____

   stimulates.. lessened

   inhibits.. quickened

   reflects.. expanded

   elevates.. measured

   enhances.. increased

  7.Even those siblings whose childhood was ____ familial feuding andintense rivalry for their parents affection can nevertheless developcongenial and even ____ relationships with each other in their adultlives.

   scarred by.. vitriolic

   dominated by.. intimate

   filled with.. truculent

   replete with.. competitive

   devoid of.. tolerant



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