amorphous: 不定形的; having no definite form; inchoate;shapeless
1) lacking definite form; shapeless;
2) of no specific type; anomolous;
3) indefinite; vague
4) having no definite form : SHAPELESS
5) being without definite character or nature : UNCLASSIFIABLE
6) lacking organization or unity. formless
7) with no shape; unorganized; having no determinate form
8) lacking in shape
Amorphous ----- Adj. Having no definite form; shapeless ; no definite character
A morph
amorphous ------ having no definite form or distinct shape
amorphous ------ formless; lacking shape or definition
amorphous ------ shapeless; vague; indeterminate
amorphous : shape = equivocal : meaning 无定形的则没有确定的形状=模棱两可的则没有确定的意义
amorphous defined, definite
amorphous : structure
amorphousness : definition
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