illuminate: make understandable
I asked a classmate to illuminate the professors far-ranging lecture for me.
【考法1】vt. 照明: to make luminous or shining
【例】 to illuminate with a spotlight 用聚光灯照亮
【近】 bathe, beacon, emblaze, illume, illumine, irradiate, lighten
【反】 blacken, darken, obfuscate 使黯淡,使昏暗
【考法2】vt. 阐明: to make plain or understandable
【例】 Roosevelts New Deal illuminates what the role of government is in Keynesian Economics. 罗 斯福新政阐明了在凯恩斯主义中政府的作用
【近】 clarify, clear, construe, demonstrate, demystify, elucidate, explicate, expound, illustrate, interpret
【反】 obscure 使费解
【考法3】vt. 启迪,启发: to provide with moral or spiritual understanding
【例】 how man is illuminated by a higher spirit 人们是如何被更高境界的思想开化的
【近】 edify, educate, enlighten, inspire, nurture
【反】 confuse, perplex, puzzle 使困惑
【派】 illumination n. 照明;启迪
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