culpable: 该受谴责的; deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil, improper
1) meriting condemnation or blame especially as wrong or harmful
2) deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil, improper, or injurious. blameworthy.
3) culpability, culpableness, culpably
4) careless, deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious
5) deserving blame; guilty
Synonyms: blameworthy, guilty, liable
culpable : blame
Though she was clearly culpable, she was never even charged for the crime.
The convicted criminal still denies that he is culpable for the robbery.
exemplary a. 可仿效的,可做模范的
a:serving as a pattern
b:deserving imitation:COMMENDABLE
imitation n. 模仿,效法,冒充,赝品
the quality of an object in possessing some of the nature or attributes of a transcendent
idea exemplary:imitation=culpable:blame
innocent n. 天真的人,笨蛋
free from guilt or sin especially through lack of knowledge of evil:BLAMELESS culpableinnocent
reprehensible a. 应斥责的,应该谴责的
worthy of or deserving reprehension:CULPABLE
culpable : blame = exemplary : imitation 应受谴责的:谴责值的仿效的:仿效
culpable : blame = redoubtable : regard
culpable: blame=exemplary: imitation 该受谴责的 谴责=可模仿的 模仿
上一篇: 告别土鳖词汇,活用高级词汇(6)
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