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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  GRE的一个段落其实就是一道逻辑单题无限扩充出来的段落,你需要知道里面那些是Premise, 那些是counter-example/statement, 那些是conclusion

  一个最简单的例子, GRE Section 2

  At the same time that Gilpins interest in landscape work distinguished her from most other women photographers, her approach to landscape photography set her apart from men photographers who, like Gilpin, documented the western United States. Western American landscape photography GREw out of a male tradition, pioneered by photographers attached to government and commercial survey teams that went west in the 1860s and 1870s. These explorer- photographers documented the West that their employers wanted to see: an exotic and majestic land shaped by awesome natural forces, unpopulated and ready for American settlement. The next generation of male photographers, represented by Ansel Adams and Eliot Porter, often worked with conservationist groups rather than government agencies or commercial companies, but they nonetheless preserved the heroic style and maintained the role of respectful outsider peering in with reverence at a fragile natural world.


  At the same time that Gilpins interest in landscape work distinguished her from most other women photographers, her approach to landscape photography set her apart from men photographers who, like Gilpin, documented the western United States.

  这句话第一个逗号直接将两个部分分隔,分别讲述了G与女摄影师和男摄影师的区别。下一句紧接男性作家的一些特点,并在文中出现了几个名字,Ansel, Eliot, 这段于是可以出很多infer题, G和大多数女摄影师的区别是什么? G和男摄影师的区别是什么?


  Some scientists say that global warming will occur because people are releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning trees and fossil fuels. We can see, though, that the predicted warming is occurring already. In the middle of last winter, we had a month of springlike weather in our area, and this fall, because of unusually mild temperatures, the leaves on our towns trees were three weeks late in turning color.

  这是最典型的GRE阅读写作手法, Some people claim/assert/argue/suggest.. 你知道下一句话一定是转折,这个some people在这里就是充当counter-statement

  技巧二:Justify every words in answer choices





  ①Out of Scope, 这个在多选题里非常常见


  Galileo stuck lenses onto either of an organ pipe; todays research telescopes, while considerably more elaborate, still perform the same fundamental task of collecting and focusing light. Its all astronomers have to go on: electromagnetic radiation from distant objects, whether it arrives in the form of X rays or visible light or radio waves. Scientists rely, for instance, on spectroscopy, the process of separating light emitted by an object in space into its opponent wavelengths, as a prism does, then analyzing those components. And they invent new tools to analyze the light. To probe deeper and deeper into space, scientist must design better and better detectors, sensitive to the faintest of emissions.

  It can be inferred from the passage that spectroscopy

  A.Insufficient to describe the contours of objects in space.

  B.interprets information from distance objects

  C.does rely on light emissions as well as other components.

  A就是一个out of scope选项。 Insufficient? Contour of objects? 文章中只出现了light. 排除掉

  答案 BC

  ②One word wrong


  ④True but irrelevant

  ⑤Too extreme

  关于选项错误类型可以参照Manhattan GRE RC那本书


  总结错题我的建议依然是Blind Review

  Blind Review的意思是

  1, 100%确定为什么你选择了某个答案

  确定你为什么选择某一个选项,原文Line多少可以找到Back Up

  2, 100%确定为什么你排除了某个答案

  确定你为什么排除掉其他的选项,也就是那五个错误选项。 Dig into wrong answers

  3, 当你的答案是错的时候,不要标出正确答案,重做一遍并计时这一遍做的时候问自己两个问题

  - What about the right answer made me think it was wrong?

  - What about the wrong answer made me think it was right?

  拿个记事本写下来自己当时选择这个选项的原因,在排除掉一个选项后第二遍看看你能不能做对。而这次选择新的选项的原因是什么?在原文找到依据. 对于填空便是便是找到依据,确定句子转折递进关系。阅读便是定位改写和全文理解。

  4, 对于不能100%确定地题目,不能100%确定排出的选项,标记,重做直到明白为止

  5, 把错误原因写出来,为什么当时选了这个选项,原因是什么?回去做题时候标出原文行数,指出这里那里理解错了。

  技巧五:Look for certainty

  时刻关注一些修饰程度的词: some, most, all, never, and always等等,这些题都是infer题的来源,大都数错误选项也都集中在这些词里


  这应该是GRE阅读的最终极技巧了,在画完Passage Map后做题时候不看选项,直接自己在脑子里想出自己的理解

  Eg:GRE国内题 Section 4

  Allen and Wolkowitzs research challenges the common claim that homework-waged labor performed at home for a company is primarily a response to women workers needs and preferences. By focusing on a limited geographical area in order to gather in-depth information, the authors have avoided the methodological pitfalls that have plagued earlier research on homework. Their findings disprove accepted notions about homeworkers: that they are unqualified for other jobs and that they use homework as a short-term strategy for dealing with child care.

  The authors conclude that the persistence of homework cannot be explained by appeal to such notions, for, in fact, homeworkers do not differ sharply from other employed women. Most homeworkers would prefer to work outside the home but are constrained from doing so by lack of employers desires to minimize fixed costs: homeworkers receive no benefits and are paid less than regular employees.

  1. According to the passage, which of the following has been generally believed about homework?

   the benefits of homework accrue primarily to employers rather than to homeworkers.

   Homework is prevalent predominantly in rural areas.

   Homework is primarily a response to the preferences of women workers.

   Few homeworkers rely on homework for the majority of their family income.

   Most homework is seasonal and part-time rather than full-time and year-round.

  这道题读完就应该知道答案在第一句话,也就是AW challenge a conventional belief, 而这个belief就是 primarily a response to women workers needs and preferences 于是带着这个pre-phrase去看答案,ABDE立刻排除掉,只有C正确

  2. The passage suggests which of the following about previous research on homework?

   It was conducted primarily with women who did not have extensive household responsibilities or care for small children at home.

   It was conducted with homeworkers and companies over a large geographical area.

   It indicated that women homeworkers had numerous opportunities to work outside the home.

   It indicated that homeworkers usually work for companies that are close to their homes.

   It indicated that homework was financially advantageous to large companies.

  这道题读完题应该知道这是第二句话,也就是AW avoid a pitfall,AW的方法是on a limited geographical area in order to gather in-depth information

  那么以前的研究应该是与AW方法对立,或者对on a limited geographical area in order to gather in-depth information这句话取反。能选的只有B


  很多人会说,这样不是浪费时间吗,Well maybe, it depends.如果你读不懂做题也就徒劳,不如用原文定位的时间再去读一遍。在练习阶段如果遇到读不懂的你不妨去试试。随着你的阅读量上去,你会发现你对文章的把握会越来越精准,以后一遍就能读懂。






  有很多版友一味的追求速度,这是非常致命的错误。在GRE阅读里面跳读略读等于自杀。所谓的速度是你在正确率稳定以后,随着阅读技巧和对错误选项的理解的加深而提升的。因此我的建议是先关注正确率,然后慢慢开始计时。Blind Review阶段也计时,从而最终达到长文章 6分钟做完题,短文章4分钟。这样你最终考试阶段会有足够多的时间可以检查并且推敲一些拿不准的选项。



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