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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  It is now established that the Milky Way is far more extended and of much greater mass than was hitherto thought. However, all that is visible of the constituents of the Milky Ways corona , where much of the galaxys mass must be located, is a tiny fraction of the coronas mass. Thus, most of the Milky Ways outlying matter must be dark.

  Why? Three facts are salient. First, dwarf galaxies and globular clusters, into which most of the stars of the Milky Ways corona are probably bound, consist mainly of old stars. Second, old stars are not highly luminous. Third, no one has detected in the corona the clouds of gaseous matter such as hydrogen and carbon monoxide that are characteristic of the bright parts of a galaxy. At present, therefore, the best explanationthough still quite tentativefor the darkness of the corona is that the corona is composed mainly of old, burned-out stars.

  17. The passage as a whole is primarily concerned with

   analyzing a current debate

   criticizing a well-established theory

   showing how new facts support a previously dismissed hypothesis

   stating a conclusion and adducing evidence that may justify it

   contrasting two types of phenomena and showing how they are related

  18. According to the passage, a bright part of a galaxy typically includes

   dwarf galaxies and clusters of stars

   a balanced mixture of old and new stars

   a large portion of the galaxys mass

   part of the corona of the galaxy

   gases such as hydrogen and carbon monoxide

  19. It can be inferred from the passage that, compared with what they now think, until fairly recently astronomers believed that the Milky Way

   was much darker

   was much smaller

   was moving much more slowly

   had a much larger corona

   had much less gaseous matter

  20. The passage presents which of the following as incontrovertible?

  I. The low luminosity of old stars

  II. The absence of clouds of gaseous matter from the corona of the Milky Way

  III. The predominance of globular clusters and dwarf galaxies in the corona of the Milky Way

   I only

   III only

   I and II only

   II and III only

   I, II, and III

  One of the principal themes of Walzers critique of liberal capitalism is that it is insufficiently egalitarian. Walzers case against the economic inequality generated by capitalism and in favor of a radical redistribution of wealth is presented in a widely cited essay entitled In Defense of Equality.

  The most striking feature of Walzers critique is that, far from rejecting the principle of reward according to merit, Walzer insists on its validity. People who excel should receive the superior benefits appropriate to their excellence. But people exhibit a great variety of qualitiesintelligence, physical strength, agility and grace, artistic creativity, mechanical skill, leadership, endurance, memory, psychological insight, the capacity for hard workeven moral strength, sensitivity, the ability to express compassion. Each deserves its proper recompense, and hence a proper distribution of material goods should reflect human differences as measured on all these different scales. Yet, under capitalism, the ability to make money of bourgeois society) enables its possessor to acquire almost every other sort of social good, such as the respect and esteem of others.

  The centerpiece of Walzers argument is the invocation of a quotation from Pascals Pensees, which concludes: Tyranny is the wish to obtain by one means what can only be had by another. Pascal believes that we owe different duties to different qualities. So we might say that infatuation is the proper response to charm, and awe the proper response to strength. In this light, Walzer characterizes capitalism as the tyranny of money . And Walzer advocates as the means of eliminating this tyranny and of restoring genuine equality the abolition of the power of money outside its sphere. What Walzer envisions is a society in which wealth is no longer convertible into social goods with which it has no intrinsic connection.

  Walzers argument is a puzzling one. After all, why should those qualities unrelated to the production of material goods be rewarded with material goods? Is it not tyrannical, in Pascals sense, to insist that those who excel in sensitivity or the ability to express compassion merit equal wealth with those who excel in qualities essential in producing wealth? Yet Walzers argument, however deficient, does point to one of the most serious weaknesses of capitalismnamely, that it brings to predominant positions in a society people who, no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards, often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration. Some even argue plausibly that this weakness may be irremediable: in any society that, like a capitalist society, seeks to become ever wealthier in material terms disproportionate rewards are bound to flow to the people who are instrumental in producing the increase in its wealth.

  21. The primary purpose of the passage is to

   argue that Walzers critique of liberal capitalism is the cornerstone of Walzers thinking

   identify and to deprecate the origins of the intellectual tradition championed by Walzer

   present more clearly than does the essay In Defense of Equality the distinctive features of Walzers politico-economic theories

   demonstrate that Walzers critique of liberal capitalism is neither original nor persuasive

   outline and to examine critically Walzers position on economic equality

  22. The author mentions all of the following as issues addressed by Walzer EXCEPT:

   proper recompense for individual excellence

   proper interpretation of economic equality

   proper level of a societys wealth

   grounds for calling capitalism the tyranny of money

   exchangeability of money for social goods

  23. The argumentation in the passage turns importantly on the question of what should be the proper relation between

   liberal capitalism and bourgeois society

   reward and recompense

   sensitivity and the ability to express compassion

   distribution of material goods and redistribution of wealth

   social goods and material goods

  24. The passage provides sufficient information to answer which of the following questions?

   What weight in relation to other qualities should a quality like sensitivity have, according to Walzer, in determining the proper distribution of goods?

   Which quality does Walzer deem too highly valued under liberal capitalism?

   Which are the social goods that are, according to Walzer, outside the reach of the power of money?

   What practical steps does Walzer suggest be taken to relieve the economic inequality generated by capitalism?

   What deficiencies in Walzers own argument does Walzer acknowledge?

  25. The author implies that Walzers interpretation of the principle of reward according to merit is distinctive for its

   insistence on maximizing everyones rewards

   emphasis on equality

   proven validity

   broad conception of what constitutes merit

   broad conception of what constitutes a reward

  26. The authors interpretation of the principle that we owe different duties to different qualities suggests that which of the following would most probably be the duty paired with the quality of veracity?






  27. The author implies that sensitivity is not a quality that

   is essential in producing wealth

   wealthy people lack

   can be sensibly measured on a scale

   characterizes tyrannical people

   is owed a duty in Pascals sense




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