The wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round,round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round,round and round,all through
the town. The all through the town.
The diver on the bus goes turn turn turn.
The door on the bus goes open and shut.
The people on the bus go up and down.
The baby on the bus goes wee wee wee.
The mother on the bus goes shh shh shh.
the wheels on thebus go round and round.
司机。。拐拐拐 大门。。开又关
乘客。。上下颠 宝宝。。呜呜呜
妈妈。。嘘嘘嘘 轮子。。。转转转
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