第一篇Oseola McCarty(教材原题)
LATE ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON in September 1999,Oseola McCarty,an elderly cleaning lady passed away in the little wooden frame house where she had lived and worked most of her life. It may seem like an ordinary end to a humble life,but there was something quite exceptional about this woman. 1In the summer of 1995 ,McCarty gave $ 150,000,most of the money she had saved throughout her life,to the University of Southern Mississippi in her hometown. The money was to help other African Americans through university. She had started her savings habit as a young child when she would return from school to clean and iron for money which she would then save.She led a simple,frugal existence,never spending on anything but her most basic needs. 2 Her bank also advised her on investing her hard-earned savings.When she retired,she decided that she wanted to use the money to give children of limitedMeans the opportunity to go to university. 3 She had wanted to become a nurse,but had to leave school to look after ill relatives and work. When asked why she had given her life savings away,she replied,Im giving it away so that children wont have to work so hard,like I did. After news of her donation hit the media,over 600 donations were made to the scholarship fund. One was given by media executive,Ted Turner,who reputedly gave a billion dollars.She didnt want any fuss made over her gift,but the news got out and she was invited all over the United States to talk to people. Wherever she went ,people would come up to her to say a few words or to just touch her. She met the ordinary and the famous,President Clinton included. In the last few years of her life,before she died of cancer,McCarty was given over 300 awards:she was honoured by the United Nations and received the Presidential Citizen s Medal. Despite having no real education,she found herself with two honorary doctorates:one from the University of Southern Mississippi and the other from Harvard University. Her generosity was clearly an inspiration to many and proof that true selflessness does exist.
词汇:frugal adj. 节约的,俭朴的,花钱少的,物质的,廉价的 fuss n. 慌乱,小题大做,抱怨争吵 V. 忙donation n. 捐赠,捐款,捐赠的 乱,烦恼抱怨注释:
1. It mayseem like an ordinary end to a humble life,but there was something quite exceptional about this woman. 这位老妇人看似平凡的一生却有着非同寻常的意义。
2. She led a simple,frugal existence,never spending on anything but her most basic needs. 她一生过着简单、节俭的生活,除了生活必需品外她从不在其他事情上花钱。
3. When she retired,she decided that she wanted to use the money to give children of limited means the opportunity to go to university. 当她退休的时候,她决定用钱给那些条件有限的孩 子提供上大学的机会。练习:1. This woman shocked and inspired the world because _______.A) she had managed to save so much moneyB) she gave her money to African AmericansC) she gave her life savings to help others through universityD) she only spent money on cheap things2. She managed to save so much mOI1y because_______.A) she had ironed and washed clothes all her lifeB) she had worked hard ,saved hard and invested carefullyC) she had opened a good向 bank accountD) she knew how to make money3. She gave her money away because_______.A) she wanted to help -the universityB) she wanted others to have the chance to become nursesC) she wanted others to have the opportunity to escape a hard lifeD) she want to be remembered after her death4. When her generosity was made_______.A) people donated billionsB) hundreds of students got scholarshipsC) hundreds of people put money into the fundD) she was sent to university5. McCarty became famous because _______.A) of her generosityB) of her exceptional skillsC) she had saved $ 150,000D) she travelled all over America
1. C 本题的问题是:这个女人震撼和鼓舞世界的原因是什么?从文章的第一段最后一句看出 这个女人有不同于寻常人的地方,第二段第一句直接给出了她不同寻常有着卓越意义的原因,即捐款 150000 美元。故此题答案为 C。A、B 项不切题。D 选项未提及。
2. B本题的问题是:她能够攒下如此多的钱的原因是什么?从文中第二段最后一句话与第三 段第一句话可以得出结论,她从年轻的时候便开始有积蓄的习惯并且除了生活必需品外几乎没有开销,故本题答案为 B。A 项不切题,C,D 项未提及。
3. C本题的问题是:她把钱捐出来的原因是什么?由第四段中间她的回答可知,她是想让孩 子们摆脱苦难的生活,不用生活得如此艰辛。故此题答案为 C。
4. C 本题的问题是:她的慷慨行为公之于世后有什么样的影响?由第四段最后两句可得出答案,原文只提及一个名为 Ted Turner 的人捐款十亿美元,所以 A 选项不正确,B 选项不切题,D 选项未提及,故本题正确答案为 C。
5. A本题的问题是:McCarty 因什么而闻名?总览全文可知A为正确答案C,D 选项不切题,B 选项未提及。
译文:第三十三篇 老妇人Oseola McCarty1999年9月一个周日下午较晚的时候,一位上了年纪的名为McCahy的清洁工在她生活了大 半辈子的小木屋中去世了。这位老妇人看似平凡的一生却有着非同寻常的意义。1995年夏McCarty把她一生的大部分积蓄共计15万美元全部捐给了她家乡的南密西西比大 学,用于帮助大学中的黑人完成学业。她年轻的时候就养成了积蓄的习惯,那时候她从学校放学 就去做清洁工作和熨烫衣服赚钱,并将钱存起来。她一生过着简单、节俭的生活,除了生活必需品外她从不在其他事情上花钱。 她退休的时候,决定资助那些条件有限的孩子上大学。她曾经想成为一名护士,但她不得不 离开学校照顾生病的亲戚。当问及她为什么会把一生的积蓄都捐赠出来时,她回答:我将钱捐赠 出来,只是为了不让孩子们工作得那么辛苦,像我一样。捐赠的消息一经传出,就有600多名捐 赠者向奖学金基金捐款。其中一人是媒体管理人员,Fed Turner,号称捐赠了10亿美元。她从未想过她的捐赠会产生什么样的影响,但消息一经传出,她就收到了来自美国各个地方 的邀请,去向人们介绍她的事。无论她去哪,都有人去跟她说话或去摸摸她。她见到过普通大众, 也见过名流显赫,如克林顿总统。在她死于癌症的前几年,她获得了 300多个奖项,被联合国授 予过奖项,也获得过总统市民模范称号。从未受过正式教育的她,被南密西西比大学和哈佛大学 分别授予了荣誉博士学位。她的慷慨行为激励鼓舞了很多人,同肘也证明了世间确实存在真正的无私。
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