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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  细节类题目在职称英语等级考试的阅读理解题中占的比例最大,涉及的内容也很广,因此,我们在复习应考时,应注意在该类题目上多下功夫。细节题常出why, when, where, what, who等疑问词引导的句子提问。解答细节题的关键在于从问题中找出问题的关键词,即能表达问题所涉及内容的中心词,然后迅速在短文中用查读的方法找出关键词在短文中的位置,以及包含所需信息的句子或短语,最后根据这些句子或短语做出正确的选择。


  What causes?

  Why does the author mention?

  How many?

  where in the passage does the author describe?

  What time does the writer think is ?

  The author mentions that?

  The writer states?



  Let Them Watch It

  One hot night last July, when our new baby wouldnt or couldnt sleep, I tried everything I could think of : a warm bottle, songs, and gentle rocking. Nothing would settle him. Guessing that I had a long night ahead of me, I brought a portable TV into his room, figuring that watching the late movie was as good a way as any to kill off the hours until dawn. To my surprise, as soon as the TV lit up, the baby quieted right down, his little eyes, focused brightly on the tube. Not to waste an opportunity for sleep, I then tiptoed out of the room, leaving him to watch the actors celebrate John Bellushis fortyfifth birthday. My wife and I heard no more of the baby that night, and the next morning when I went into his room, I found him still watching TV himself.

  I found in my babys behaviour a metaphor for the new generation. My wife and I had given him some books to examine, but he merely spit upon them. When we read to him, he did not feel comfortable. And so it is in the schools. We find that our students dont read, that they look down upon reading and scold those of us who teach it. All they want to do is watch TV. After this experience with the baby, however, I have reached a conclusion; let them watch it. If television is that much more attractive to children than books, why should we fight it? Let them watch it all they want!


  36. The author brought a TV set into his sons room to

  A)make his son stop crying.

  B) spend the night watching TV.

  C) leave it to his son.

  D) make his son fall asleep as soon as possible.

  题目问的是作者把电视拿到他儿子屋里去的目的是什么。这道题就属于细节性题目。在回答这类题目时,就要到文中找有关信息。请看第一段第三句: Guessing that I had a long night ahead of mewatching the late movie was as good a way as any to kill off the hours until dawn.作者把电视机拿到他儿子的房间里本不是给他儿子看的,而是准备让自己看深夜电影来打发长夜难熬的时光。所以,选项B为最佳答案。其他三个选项都不是他把电视机拿到儿子房间里去的初衷。下面我们看推理题。




  It can be inferred from the passage that

  In this passage the author implies that

  We can conclude from the passage that

  The authors attitude towardis

  The author may probably agree with / be in favour of / support /

  One could conclude from the passage that

  The paragraph following this passage most probably would discuss


  37. The babys reaction to the TV was


  B) exciting.

  C) awful.

  D) calm.

  该题的下确答案为A.作者在文章中提到,他一打开电视,孩子马上就安静下来,再也不闹了,眼睛直盯在电视上。作者在这里用了 To my surprise, 显然孩子对电视的反应,是作者没有预料到的,因此A为正确答案。exciting是令人兴奋的,awful 是可怕的, 也就是极其不好的反应, calm是平静的,电视一开,那孩子就平静下来了,但这并不是说他的反应是平静的。下面我们再看第38题:

  38. From the passage we know that the author is

  A) a doctor.

  B) an editor.

  C) a writer.

  D) a teacher.

  该题也属于推时题。上面我们说过,推理有两类,一类是简单推理,另一类是复杂推理。简单推理是以表面文字信息为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断。这种推理方式比较直接,无须考虑其他前提或寻找其他依据,只须在文章的已知信息与表层结构的基础上进行推理。本题就属于简单推理题,要求考生推断作者的职业。根据文章最后一段第五局话的信息,我们会很容易地推断出作者是一位教师。这句话的原文是: We find that our students dont read, that they look down upon reading and scold those of us who teach it. 它的意思是:我们发现我们的学生不读书,瞧不起读书,而且还骂我们这些教他们读书的人。由些看来,这里的我们就是指的当老师的这些人。


  40. What do you think is the authors attitude toweard TV as expressed in the last two sentences?

  A) Angry.

  B) Serious.

  C) Ironical.

  D) Joking.

  该题要求考生根据短文最后两句来判断作者的态度。通读上面短文的最后一段,我们注意到作者在谈到孩子对待学习的态度时用了这些词句: he merely spit upon them, he did not feel comfortable. We find that our students dont read, that they look down upon reading and scold those of us who teach it. All they want to do is watch TV. 意思是:我和夫人曾拿给孩子书,但他根本不看,还往书上吐唾沫。每次我们读书给他听,他就显得泞身不自在。学校里的情况也是如此。我们的学生不愿读书,而且嘲笑我们这些教书的。他们就喜欢看电视。尤其注意作者在最后用了两个感叹句子(Let them watch it! If television is that much more attractive to children than books, why should we fight it? Let them watch it all they want! 然而,通过与我们孩子的接触,我得出这样的结论:想看就看,任其自便吧!既然电视比书本更吸引孩子,我们何必苦苦反对呢?想看就让他们看个够好了。)这里作者显然是在说反话。所以答案为C.





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