White / blue-collar worker 白领,蓝领
To make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做
Drama queen 小题大做的人
Pull something out of the hat 突施妙计
Barefaced 厚颜无耻的
A cashless society 无现金社会
Too much stuff 物质主义和简约主义
Would you let your baby sleep in a box? 你愿意让自己的宝宝在盒子里睡觉吗?
Sweat it out – in a bath! 泡热水澡等于做运动
To fall at the first hurdle 跌倒在第一关
The problem with big brains 聪明大脑所带来的问题
Off the hook 脱身
The good of gardening 园艺疗法益心养神
Are you ready for your exam? 考试,你准备好了吗?
Are you a team player? 你是一名具有团队精神的人吗?
Bust a gut 拼了命地工作
You're pulling my leg! 你在愚弄我!
The last/final straw 忍无可忍,使人最终崩溃的一击
Burn a hole in your pocket 有钱不花难受
Reunion? Count me out! 重聚? 别算上我!