( )1、当你邀请别人一块去打乒乓球时,你应说:
A、I want to play ping-pong. B、Let’s play ping-pong.
C、You can play ping-pong.
( )2、当你想告诉同学李明在学校,你可以说:
A. Li Ming is in front of the school.
B. Li Ming is inside the school.
C. Li Ming is outside the school.
( )3、当你给别人指路,想告诉他向左转,你应说:
A、Turn left. B、Turn right. C、Go straight.
( )4、当你看到黄灯亮时,你可以对同学说:
A、Red is stop. B、Yellow is wait. C、Yellow is go.