接下来课文...when one has thrust aside an inconvenient thought and slid into its place another thought which is convenient. One's awareness in the former case is in general more acute than in the latter, since we are more on the look-out for the lies we utter than for those we merely think. In fact, however, it is the untruthful thought which is the more vicious of the two. Spoken lies are invariably tiresome and may actually be dishonest. But continuous lying in the mind, a disease to which the Anglo-Saxon is peculiarly exposed, spells the destruction of human thought and character.
acute : 敏锐
utter = tell
vicious :危害严重的
disease 指 lying in the mind
be exposed to ...: 遭受,暴露在…下
spells = bring about 带来,招致
biographer: 传记作者