ineptitude n.: 笨拙
clumsy : 笨拙的
competence n.: 能力 competent adj. incompetent :无能的
bungling : 笨拙的
unduly ad.:过分地 excess
extreme: 极度
moderate :不过量的 immoderate: 过量的
modest inmodest
due : 准时
The train is due to arrive at seven o’clock.
My book is due. 我的书到期了。
passport : 护照
renew it : 续借,续签
execrable a.: 恶劣的,令人讨厌的
contemptible : 令人讨厌的
coarse : 粗俗的
debased :下贱的,卑鄙的
ignoble :不光彩的
abject : 卑鄙的
at best: 充其量 at most
average student 中等生
at least : 至少
reject vt.: 丢弃 后跟 habit or idea
discard 后跟 sth.concrete discard the old clothes
toss: up
dump 抛弃 I’m dumped.
I’m rejected. I’m abandoned.
The relation broke up .关系断了
approxiamation n.: 近似 approxiamate adj.
He is approxiamately an average student.
approciamately = about
acute a.: 敏锐的
He has acute eyes. 他目光敏锐
eagle eye: 敏锐的目光
bat eye : 瞎眼
observant eye:敏锐的目光 decerning eyes
look-out n.:警戒
on the look-out for the bad habit
look-out n.:守望员
on the alert
alert: 警报
on the guard :小心
vicious a.:恶毒的
thrust vt.:猛然推开
thrust my Enghlish aside
cast aside