我们刚开始学英语的时候,最先学会的一句话多是Hello, my name is XXX. 从这里,我们知道了名字这个词的英文说法。不过,随着学习的深入,我们发现name这个词在很多语境中并不是简单地代表名字这个意思,比如今天我们说的这几个短语。
1. name-dropper 吹嘘或炫耀与某些大人物的交情
Harry is a real name-dropper. He keeps talking about being a good friend of the president. The truth is that he shook hands with him once at a political rally along with 500 other people.
2. name-calling 谩骂
There was more name-calling in the campaign for senator than I ever heard before. If you believed all the nasty names they called each other, you wouldnt vote for either one.
3. your name is mud 声名狼藉;遭人厌恶
有些学者认为它起源于1865年美国总统林肯被演员Booth刺杀的案子。Booth在仓皇逃窜中断了腿。据说当时是Mudd医生为他治疗腿伤的。医生的姓Mudd拚法是Mudd。虽然这始终是没能证实的谜,但是林肯遇害大大震动了美国公众。Mudd这姓从此触犯众怒,为人不齿,于是人们说your name is Mudd表示你是个犯了大错而遭人厌恨、甚至被人唾骂的人。久而久之人们去除了Mudd拚法中最后一个字母d,就成了今天的习惯用语your name is mud。
I gave you one more chance. But you came back late again, your name is mud - you cant use the car for a whole month!
4. the name of the game 问题的实质、事情的根本目标
这个习惯用语从上世纪六十年代开始流行,它的意思是事情的本质或者根本目标。The name of the game也可以是荣誉、金钱、地位、或者权力,在运动比赛中the name of the game就是赢得胜利。
OK, you guys, I tell you winning is the name of the game for this team right now. Im going to be tough on you, nice guys finish last, and Im not a nice guy.
自信的重要性 The Importance of Self-confidence
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教师的工资应该提高吗?Should Teacher’s Salary Be Raised?
掌握学习方法的重要性The Importance of Mastering How to Learn
成长的烦恼 The Annoyances in Growing Up
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广告的负面影响The Negative Sides of Advertisement
中医的优势 The Advantages of Chinese Medicine
手机的危害 The Dangers of Cell Phone
二孩的好处The Good Sides of Second Child
国际和平日 International Day of Peace
大卫加勒特 David Garrett
疯狂购物Shopping Without Limitation
建设节约型社会Conservation-oriented Society
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书是我们的朋友Books Are Good Friend
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终身学习 Lifelong Learning
分数和能力Score and Ability
在职业生涯中情商比智商更重要 EQ counts more than IQ in career
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