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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


   1. ―Is Paul playing both soccer and tennis for the school?

   ―He_______. But now he has given up playing tennis.

   A. is B. has

   C. was D. had

   2. ―Look! It looks as if it _______ going to rain. We must hurry.


   A. was B. is

   C. were D. will be

   3. ―Isn't it hard to drive downtown to work?

   -Yes, that's why I ________ to work by train.

   A. have been going B. have gone

   C. was going D. will have gone

   4. -Look! Someone has spilt coffee on the carpet.

   -Well, it ________ me.

   A. isn't B. wasn't

   C. hasn't been D. hadn't been

   5. -I've bought a box of chocolates for our daughter.

   -Oh, how good a dad! But she doesn't like sweet things. ________ that?

   A. Don't you know B. Haven't you known

   C. Didn't you know D. Hadn't you known

   6. - Hello, Jim. I________ to see you today. Sonia said you ________ ill.

   -Oh, I'm OK.

   A. don't expect; were B. haven't expected; are

   C. am not expecting; are D. didn't expect; were

   7. - Look! How long ________ like this?

   -Three weeks! It's usual here that rain _______ without stopping these days of the year.

   A. has it rained; pours B. has it been raining; pours

   C. is it raining; is pouring D. does it rain; pours

   8. Our team was ahead during the first half, but we ________ in the last ten minutes.

   A. had lost B. would lose

   C. were losing D. lost

   9. You needn't hurry her; she _______ it by the time you are ready.

   A. will have finished B. will finish

   C. will be finishing D. has finished

   10. -Who is the old man talking with your teacher?

   -I don't know. I _________ him before.

   A. was never seeing B. had never seen

   C. never saw D. wouldn't see

   11. -Tom came back home the day before yesterday.

   - Really? Where __________ at all?

   A. had he been B. has he been

   C. had he gone D. has he gone

   12.-Can I help you, Madam?

   - No, thanks. I_______.

   A. have just looked around B. just look around

   C. just looked around D. am just looking around

   13. -I haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been?

   - I _______ on leave in Europe.

   A. have been B. am

   C. was D. had been

   14. -Have you heard from Janet recently?

   -No, but I ______ her over Christmas.

   A. saw B. will be seeing

   C. have seen D. have been seeing

   15. -What were you up to when she dropped in?

   -I _________ for a while and __________ some reading.

   A. was playing; was going to do B. played; did

   C. had played; was going to do D. had played; did

   16. He was hoping to go abroad; but his parents __________ that they won't support him unless he can borrow money from the bank.

   A. were deciding B. have decided

   C. decided D. will decide

   17. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _______ each year.

   A. is washing away B. is being washed away

   C. are washing away D. are being washed away

   18. My mind wasn't on what he was saying so I'm afraid I __________ half of it.

   A. was missing B. had missed

   C. will miss D. missed

   19. The news came as no surprise to me. I ______ for some time that the factory was going to shut down.

   A. had known B. knew

   C. have known D. know

   20. One of them told me, This is the first time I ________ to the capital to attend the flag-raising ceremony.

   A. came B. come

   C. have come D. had come

   21. ―Do you have anything to do this afternoon?

   ―What's up?

   ―Let's go shopping. It's said that Jinying Shop _____, and all the sweaters are sold at half price.

   ―Why not?

   A. has closed down B. was closing down

   C. closes down D. is closing down

   22. ―What about 10 o'clock tomorrow morning?

   ―I'm afraid I can't make it. I _________ then.

   A. am going to take an exam B. am taking an exam

   C. will be taking an exam D. an to take an exam

   23. ―What's the matter? You look worried and restless.

   ―Oh, nothing really serious. As a matter of fact, I ______ of my graduation thesis. I have to hand it in soon.

   A. am just thinking B. just thought

   C. have just thought D. was just thinking

   24. ―Twenty dollars, please!

   ― How terrible!―I ________ to bring my wallet with me.

   A. was forgetting B. forgot

   C. had forgotten D. am forgetting

   25. My money_____, I must go to the bank to draw some of the savings out before I have none in hand.

   A. has run out B. has been run out

   C. is running out D. is being run out

   26. ―What were you doing when I called you yesterday afternoon?

   ―I ________ my homework and I was starting to take a bath.

   A. had just finished B. was finished

   C. have already finished D. was going to finish

   27. ―________ for Beijing?

   ―Yes. And I'll come back in three months.

   A. Have you left B. Are you leaving

   C. Do you leave D. Did you leave

   28. ―Why? Where is the key to the sound lab?

   ―Dear me! You _______ it in the taxi!

   A. have never left B. never left

   C. haven't left D. didn't leave

   29. ―Was the doctor there when you arrived?

   ―Yes, but he ______ out a moment later.

   A. had gone B. has gone

   C. went D. is going

   30. In warm weather fruit and meat ________ long.

   A. don't keep B. can't be kept

   C. are not kept D. aren't keeping

   31. ―The telephone is ringing.

   ―I _________ answer it.

   A. will B. am going to

   C. am to D. am about to

   32. ―What do you think of my composition?

   ―It _______ well _____ a few spelling mistakes.

   A. reads; except for B. read; besides

   C. is read; except for D. is read; besides

   33. In 1960, this was the longest bridge that __________.

   A. was ever built B. had ever built

   C. has ever been built D. had ever been built

   34. Just after putting the baby onto bed, Mrs. White suddenly caught sight of the pet cat and didn't know how long it________ on the table for the family dinner.

   A. had been laying; lying B. had been lying; laid

   C. had been laid; laid D. had lain; laying

   35. ―How are things going?

   ―The disabled _______ no relatives in Guangzhou _______ by the volunteers, who will graduate from Zhongshan University next year.

   A. with; are taking care of B. have; will be taken care of

   C. with; are being taken care of D. have; are being taken care of

   36. A short time before she______, the old lady _______ a will, leaving all her money to her brother.

   A. died; has written B. has died; wrote

   C. had died; wrote D. died; had written

   37. ―Kate doesn't look very well. What's wrong with her?

   ―She has a headache because she ________ too long; She ought to stop work.

   A. has been reading B. had read

   C. is reading D. was reading

   38. It was said that other possibilities ________ at the meeting the day before yesterday.

   A. were never paid attention B. were never paying attention to

   C. never paid attention to D. were never paid attention to

   39. The two sides _______ to make peace, but something unusual _________.

   A. had intended; happened B. intended; happened

   C. intended; had happened D. would intend; happened

   40. She would love to have gone to the party, but she _______ extra hours to prepare for a meeting.

   A. had to work B. had worked

   C. could work D. would have worked

   41. ―Are you still able to speak French and Russian?

   ―I _________. But I can only remember few French words. No Russian words at all now.

   A. am B. was

   C. have D. had

   42. The women's club _________ Lin, a foreign company employee who used to pay little attention to her appearance, to improve her dress style and become more confident and open-minded.

   A. enabled B. had enabled

   C. has enabled D. enables

   43. A large crowd _______ wildly as the pilot _________ her plane safely in California.

   A. had cheered; was landing B. had cheered; landed

   C. was cheering; had landed D. was cheering; landed

   44. Caunen Ferreira ______ up hope of finding her pet parrot, Raquel, who ______ from the back garden of her house two years ago.

   A. has given; was disappeared B. has given; had disappeared

   C. had given; was disappeared D. has given; disappeared

   45. ―Hello! May I speak to Jack, please?

   ―Yes, speaking.

   ―Oh, I _________ your voice at first.

   A. don't recognize B. didn't

   C. hadn't recognized D. haven't recognized

   46. ―I guess you might have got lost there last Sunday.

   ―Well, I_______.

   A. mostly did B. nearly had

   C. almost had D. almost did

   47. We plan to reach the North Pole in mid-July, and by then we _______ for six weeks.

   A. are walking B. have been walking

   C. will be walking D. will have been walking

   48. ―You haven't said a word about my new hair-style, Molly. Do you like it?

   ―I'm sorry I ______ anything about it sooner. I certainly think it's pretty.

   A. wasn't saying B. don't say

   C. won't say D. didn't say

   49. You _______ things about. Look, what a mess in your room.

   A. always throw B. have always thrown

   C. are always throwing D. have always been throwing

   50. He traveled to many mountain villages and saw many poor children out of school. This experience _______ his life.

   A. would change B. had changed

   C. was to change D. was changing

   51. ―Have you finished your composition already?

   ―Yes. I _________ it in twenty minutes.

   A. have finished B. finished

   C. will finish D. had finished

   52. ―Did you meet Professor Johnson?

   ―Yes, but when I arrived, he ________, so we only had time for a few words.

   A. had just left B. has just left

   C. was just leaving D. just left

   53. ―________ you _________ the chief editor at the airport?

   ―No. He _______ away before my arrival.

   A. Have; met; has driven B. Had; met; was driven

   C. Did; meet; had been driven D. Have; met; was driven

   54. You ________ to leave until you _______ your work.

   A. won't be allowed; have finished B. won't allow; finish

   C. won't be allowed; will finish D. won't allow; will finish

   55. ―Are you still busy?

   ―Yes, I ________ my work, and it won't take long.

   A. just finish B. am just finishing

   C. have just finished D. am just going to finish

   56. ―What's wrong with your coat?

   ―Just now when I wanted to get off the bus, the man next to me ________ on it.

   A. sat B. had sat

   C. had been sitting D. was sitting

   57. ―What are you going to do this afternoon?

   ―I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film ________ quite early, so we _____ to the bookstore after that.

   A. finished; are going B. finished; go

   C. finishes; are going D. finishes; go

   58. ―Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate.

   ―Oh! I thought they ________ without me.

   A. went B. are going

   C. have gone D. had gone

   59. When the old man _______ to walk back to his house, the sun ________ itself behind the mountain.

   A. started; had already hidden B. had started; had already hidden

   C. had started; was hiding D. was starting; hid

   60. ―If the traffic hadn't been so heavy, I could have been back by 6 o'clock.

   ―What a pity! Tina _______ here to see you.

   A. is B. was

   C. would be D. has been



   2.B。表示一个推测。排除A、C,因为A、C用的是过去时,而D项will be和后面的going to重复,所以选B。




   6.D 见到Jim后expect成了过去,而第二句主句为过去时,故用were。





   11.A。come back是过去,而问句中的动作发生在came back之前,是过去的过去,所以要用过去完成时,而且Tom已经回来,所以要用been,而gone是去了还未回来。

   12.D。此处用I am just looking around表示我只是正在随便看看,just可以和现在进行时连用,表示只是怎么怎么样。

   13.C。此题可能会误选A,前者说我好几年未见你,去哪儿了?可见他已经回来,因此他去欧洲的动作已发生过了,应用过去时来回答where have you been? A则是说我有去过欧洲的事实。


   15.C。由第一句可判断出第二句描述的事情发生在过去,for a while是相对于when she dropped in来说的when she dropped in,我已经玩一会儿了,因此该用过去完成时态.再看后一个动作,承接前面for a while,仍然在过去,had played for a while之后,因此应用过去将来时,表示过去那个时间将要发生的动作,故选C。


   17.D。本题考查主谓一致与语态。quantities of作主语时谓语动词用复数,而a large quantity of + 不可数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数,因此答案在C、D之间选。each与wash away之间为被动关系,因此D为正确答案。


   19.A。从for some time可知,用完成时态。从第一句我对这消息根本不惊讶可知,我在此之前早就知道了。动作know发生在come之前,故用过去完成时。

   20.C。考查It / This is the first time +从句 (用现在完成时态)句型。


   22.C。根据题干中的时间状语10 o'clock tomorrow morning可知,选项动作是在将来某个时刻正在进行的,故应选用将来进行时,口语中常用这种时态表示将来某时刻正在进行的动作或发生的事。

   23.D。考查动词的时态与语态。从会话可知,答话人是在解释他look worried and restless 的原因,因为他(刚才)是在思考毕业论文的事,这是说话前的那个时刻正在发生的事情。故应用过去进行时描写正在进行的动作。





   28.B。考查语境。答语你千万别把它忘在出租车里!表示吃惊。而忘这一动作应用一般过去时,但否定口气应用never。因为句子用的是感叹号,不应用D项。又如:You never left the key in the lock! (你总不会把钥匙留在锁孔里吧!)



   31.A。be going to do表示已计划好要做某事,be to do与be about to do有时意思一样,都是正要做某事 (忽然另一个动作发生了)。

   32.A。read在这里主动表被动,能这样用的动词有write,wash,etc.而except for意思是除了,暗指一个整体事物中与其他部分的共性不同的例外的部分。

   33.D。由was可知要用过去时,又由the longest可知有比较意味,要用完成时。

   34.B。had been lying为过去完成进行时,表示一个动作或状态从过去开始一直持续到过去的某个时间,该句表示状态,而had been laid强调动作,laid为lay的过去分词,修饰限制the table。

   35.C。该句意为来自于中山大学应届毕业生中的自愿者细心照料那些在广州没有亲戚的残疾人。with no relatives in Guangzhou为介词短语作定语,修饰the disabled,are being taken care of为真正的谓语,故答案为C。


   37.A。has been reading为现在完成进行时,表示一个动作从过去开始一直进行到现在。

   38.D。pay attention to注意到,在此用的是被动形式。never放在助动词后其他动词之前。

   39.A。本句意为双方原打算讲和,但发生了一件不寻常的事。had intended原打算,本打算(但没做到),相对于过去的打算,后来发生的事用一般过去时。D项属于过去将来时,表示从过去某时看将要发生的动作或存在状态。常用在间接引语中。

   40.A。would love to do表示将来愿做,would love to have done表示过去原本想做,但没有做到,根据第一分句中的这一结构可知,事情应发生在过去,所以but后的分句时态应用一般过去时。


   42.C。该空用现在完成时,表示The women's club对Lin所起的作用。从used to看,她已经改变 了过去的习惯。


   44.D。disappear是不及物动词,不能用在被动句中,所以A不予考虑,然后再看had disappeared是在哪一个过去的动作或时间之前呢,没有这个过去的时间,所以过去完成时不成立;had given同理。



   47.D。句中by then短语表示一个将来的时间状语,所以谓语用将来完成时,因此选D。



   50.C。be to do表示预定,命运,意为注定要。本句意为这个经历注定要改变他的生活。A项表示过去将来,意志或倾向。

   51.B。由答句中的Yes可知in twenty minutes不是表示20分钟后的将来,而是表示在20分钟之内。因为是陈述过去的某个事实,故用一般过去时。



   54.A。该句考查的是not ... until句型,由until,when,before等引导的时间状语从句不与将来时态连用,应该用一般现在时或现在完成时代替,故选A。








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