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英语语法 虚拟语气专题训练及答案

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  英语语法 虚拟语气专题训练及答案

  The Subjunctive Mood:



  I. Present Unreal:

  l If I (you, he / she, we, they) + 动词过去式 (were, did, had, etc.), should / would / could / might + 动词原形

  e.g. If I had HIV, I would know because I would fell sick.

  If I were you, I would give an AIDS patient a hug.

  II. Past Unreal:

  l If I (you, he / she, we, they) + had + 过去分词, should / would / could / might + have + 过去分词

  e.g. If she had told him about the danger, he would not have got hurt.

  If I had known more about giving first aid, I could have helped them.

  III. Future impossible:

  1. If I (you, he / she, we, they) + 动词过去式 (were, did, had, etc.), should / would / could / might + 动词原形

  e.g. If the teacher asked me to solve the problem next time, I could try my best.

  2. If I (you, he / she, we, they) should +动词原形, should / would / could / might + 动词原形

  e.g. If he should fail in the experiment this time, he would try again.

  3. If I (you, he / she, we, they) + were to +动词原形, should / would / could / might +动词原形

  e.g. If we were to panic, we would not be able to help.


  I. 关于假使条件虚拟语气需注意的几点

  1. 如果从句所假设的谓语动词发生的时间与主句所假设的谓语动词发生的时间不一致, 这种假设条件句叫错综时间条件虚拟语气. 其主句和从句谓语动词的构成要根据所假设的时间而定.

  1) If I had taken the medicine, I would be better now. 如果我服用了那种药的话, 现在就会好些了.

  2) If the weather had been finer, the crops would be growing still better. 如果(前些日子)天气更好些, 庄稼一定会长得更好.

  2. If it were not for / had not been for 也是一种条件虚拟语气从句, 译为 要不是因为.

  1) If it hadnt been for the doctor, he wouldnt have recovered so soon.

  2) If it were not for the lack of space, we would hold the sports meet today.

  3. 有些条件是由一些短语引出的 (but for, with, without; otherwise, or, but, etc,)

  1) We couldnt have achieved so much without your help (= If we had not had your help).

  2) Without solar radiation, animals and plants would die.

  3) With better equipment, we could have done it better.

  4) But for electricity (= If there were no electricity), there would be no modern industry.

  5) I should have returned the book last week, but I was so busy that I forgot to do so.

  6) He was having a meeting; otherwise he would have come over to help us.

  7) He felt very tired yesterday, or he would have attended the party.

  4. 在某些隐含的虚拟条件简单句中, 虚拟语气可通过上下文表现出来. 谓语动词用虚拟形式.

  1) Any men in his position would have done like that.

  2) You should (ought to) have come earlier.

  II. 虚拟语气祈使语气的混合使用

  在有些情况下, 条件从句中的谓语由should + 原形动词 构成, 这时主句的谓语动词既可以是虚拟语气或陈述语气, 也可以是祈使语气.

  1. If it should rain, the plan will / would be called off.

  2. Should anyone phone, please tell them Im busy.

  3. Even if (If) it should get stormy, I will go.

  III. 表示要求, 建议, 命令的虚拟语气

  表示要求, 建议, 命令的从句中, 谓语动词要用should + 原形动词, 其中可以should 省略. 下列例句可以表示这种虚拟语气.

  a. 主宾语从句表示法: suggest, order, request, advise, require, insist, ask, demand, command, propose等动词后面的宾语从句要用原形动词should + 原形动词, 可以省略.

  1. The doctor advised that I (should) take a rest.

  2. The London dockers demanded that their wages (should) be raised.

  3. He insisted that the meeting (should) not be put off.

  l 当suggest, insist 等动词表示暗示, 坚持说 时, 其宾语从句中的谓语动词不需要用虚拟语气, 要用陈述语气.

  1. Are you suggesting that I am not suited for the job?

  2. He insisted that he was innocent.

  b. 主语从句表示法: 当以上动词用在下列句型中时, 主语从句也应该用should + 原形动词

  1. It is suggested that the building (should) be pulled down.

  2. It is ordered that the work (should) be started at once.

  l 在It is (was) strange (necessary, wonderful, important, etc.) that句型中, strange, necessary等后面的主语从句中用should + 原形动词, should可以省略.

  3. It is strange that he (should) refuse to come to the party.

  4. It is necessary that a doctor (should) be sent for at once.

  5. It is important that we should learn from toehrs.

  e. 表语从句表示法.

  suggestion, proposal, order, advice, demand 等名词作主语时, 其后面的表语从句中也用虚拟语气, 即should + 原形动词, should 也可以省略.

  1) My advice is that you (should) give up smoking.

  c. wish 后面所跟宾语从句要求谓语动词用虚拟语气.

  e.g. I wish that she were here with me and that we werent sick.

  I wish I had sent the old man to hospital in time.

  d. 在as if引起的从句中,动词一般用虚拟语气, 通常用were

  e.g. People treat me as if I were a dangerous person.

  I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.

  f. 同位语从句表示法.

  1. That evening came the order that we (should) cross the river at once.

  IV. 虚拟语气中常见的句型有

  1. It is (high / about) time that 这一从句的谓语动词用过去式或should + 原形动词, 其中should不可以省略. 此句型译为该是时候了.

  2. would rather sb. did sth. / had done sth.

  此句型表示宁愿让某人, 如果是没有发生的动作, 从句用过去时; 如果是已经发生的事, 从句用过去完成时.

  1) Id rather you left tomorrow.

  2) Id rather they hadnt gone to school yesterday.

  3. if only

  此句型表示要是就好了. 其后面句子的时态与wish引导的宾语从句相同, 既:如果虚拟现在, 要用一般过去时; 如果是虚拟过去, 要用过去完成时; 如果是虚拟将来, 则应该用 would或 could加原形动词.

  1) If only I were a bird!

  2) If only I had worked hard as a student!

  3) If only I could land on the moon!

  4. 连接词in case可用来引起的虚拟语气. 形式通常为: in case + 主语 + should +动词原形. in case句中should 的可以省去, 也可以不用虚拟语气, 而用陈述语气.

  1) He took his rain coat with him in case it should rain.

  2) He doesnt dare to leave the house in case he is (should be) recognized.


  1. If I had had enough time, I        my work.

  A. would finish       B. must have finished

  C. would have finished   D. had finished

  2. Ten minutes earlier, they        the plane.

  A. will catch  B. would catch C. would have caught D. will have caught

  3. Mr. Green requires that the students       a composition every other week.

  A. write   B. written   C. would write   D. will write

  4. Had he studied hard, he      the exam.

  A. would pass B. could pass C. had passed  D. would have passed

  5. I wish I      what is happening there in his room.

  A. know   B. known   C. knew   D. should know

  6. It is important that you        sports every day.

  A. have   B. would have   C. must have   D. will have

  7. If there were no water in the world, everything     .

  A. will die B. would die C. would have died  D. would have been dead

  8.       what was going to happen ,I would never have left her alone.

  A. Had I known   B. If I know C. If I knew    D. If had I known

  9. He ordered that the work        right away.

  A. should finish  B. finished C. would be finished   D. be finished

  10. Shall we go to the movie tonight?

   No, Id rather        at home with our baby. Youd better not leave it to the babysitter at night.

  A. you stayed   B. you stay   C. stayed   D. stay

  11 .      in your position, I would help him.

  A. Was I    B. Were I    C. If I am    D. If I had been

  12. I       , but I was stopped by the heavy rain.

  A. mean to come  B. meant to come C. had meant to come  D. meant coming

  13. Mrs. Black insists          in that old hotel.

  A. not to stay B. not staying C. staying not  D. that he not stay

  14. If you had spoken clearly, you would       .

  A. understand it  B. have understood C. be understood D. have been understood

  15. If you        that late movie last night, you wouldnt be so sleepy.

  A. havent watched  B. hadnt watched  C. didnt watch D. wouldnt have watched

  16.The foreign friend speaks Chinese so well as if he      a Chinese.                                               A. is   B. be   C. should be   D. were

  17. If he     , he     that food.

   Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.

  A. was warned; would not take  B. would be warned; had not take C. had been warned; would not have taken D. would have been warned; had not taken

  18. Without electronic computers, much of todays advanced technology      achieved.

  A. will not be  B. would not be  C. would not have been  D. cannot have been


  1. Look at the trouble I am in! If only I _____ your advice. (上海2003)

  A. followed B. would follow C. had followed D. should follow

  2. _____ be sent to work there?(上海 2002)

  A. Who do you suggest B. Who do you suggest that should C. Do you suggest who should  D. Do you suggest whom should

  3. How I wish every family _____ a large house with a beautiful garden! (上海 2002)

  A. has B. had C. will have D. had had

  4. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he _____ a goal. (上海2001)

  A. had scored B. scored  C. would score D. would have scored

  5. You didnt let me drive. If we _____ in turn, you _____ so tired.

  A. drove; didnt get

  B. drove; wouldnt get

  C. were driving; wouldnt get

  D. had driven; wouldnt have got

  6. My suggestion is that we _____ a few more assistants to help the engineer working busily on the machine.

  A. sends B. sending C. to send D. send

  7. The CEO of the company insisted _____ in the five-star hotel.

  A. that we not stay B. that we dont stay

  C. we wouldnt stay D. not to stay

  8. Its high time we students _____ even harder at our lessons as the national entrance examination is coming nearer.

  A. work B. will work

  C. worked D. have to work

  9. It has been proposed that the school sports meet _____ till next weekend because of the recent storm.

  A. should be put off B. should put off

  C. put off D. would be put off

  10. How I wish I _____ to Athens, where the 28th Olympic Games are being held!

  A. will pay a visit B. have paid a visit

  C. could pay a visit D. had paid a visit

  11. Though the girl had been suffering from the blood disease, she acted as if nothing _____ to her while facing her friends and relatives.

  A. happened B. happens

  C. had happened D. happen

  12. If he _____ his legs in the last training, he _____ the coming World Cup, which he has been longing to compete in.

  A. hadnt hurt; would join in

  B. hadnt hurt; would have taken part in

  C. didnt hurt; would go in for

  D. didnt hurt; would have taken part in

  13. If I _____ to school tomorrow, I _____ my lessons now.

  A. were to go; would do B. would go; would do

  C. went; did D. should go; am doing

  14. It is demanded that everyone _____ in his seat at 7:00 tomorrow morning.

  A. is B. be C. would be D. will be

  15. Id rather you _____ their invitation yesterday.

  A. not accept B. wouldnt accept

  C. didnt accept D. hadnt accepted

  16. If I _____ him yesterday I _____ him about it.

  A. saw; would ask B. had seen; would have asked

  C. had seen; would ask D. saw; would have asked

  17. What do you think would happen if there _____ no light during the days?

  A. is B. will be C. were D. would be

  18. _____ late tomorrow, who would take her place?

  A. Should Miss Green come

  B. If Miss Green would come

  C. Miss Green should come

  D. If Miss Green comes

  19. It seems as if it ____ already summer now.

  A. were B. be C. is D. had been

  20. I wish I _____ him the day before yesterday.

  A. saw B. could see C. had seen D. was seeing



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