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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. dress


  [误]My father bought a new dress for himself yesterday.

  [正]My father bought a new suit for himself yesterday.

  [析]一般来讲男套装用suit, 女服则用dress; 作男服的服装店是tailor shop (tailors), 而做女装的服装店是dressmakers.


  [误]The mother dressed the clothes on her child.

  [正]The mother dressed her child.

  [析]dress作及物动词当穿衣服讲时,其后不能接衣服而只能接人,如:The boy is still too young to dress himself. 但作为一种穿着打扮的状态时,则多用其过去分词作形容词,如:He is not dressed in his new suit.或She is dressed in red. 词组dress up是过节日时应服装整齐,如:They dressed up for the holiday.


  dress, have on, put on, wear

  要区别这几个动词需分清是表示动作的动词还是表示状态的动词。表示状态的动词是have on和wear, 如:He has on a white coat. He was wearing heavy shoes. 而put on则表示穿衣的动作,如:Put on your coat, it is cold outside.而dress既可以作状态又可以作动作,作动作讲时其后面接人而不能接衣服,作穿着状态时则多用dressed的形式。如:I saw a lady dressed in red. I saw a girl dressing herself. 


  2. drop


  [误]The students fell their voice.

  [正]The students dropped their voice.

  [析]drop与fall都可以表示落下、掉下之意,有时可以互换,如:The dictionary fell (dropped) from the table. 但drop还可以作及物动词,而fall一般只能作不及物动词。


  [误]I shall drop in you. 

  [正]I shall drop in on you.

  [析]drop in是随便拜访某人,而其后要接人时应加介词on再加人称。


  3. during


  [误]During I was sick, I couldnt eat well.

  [正]While I was sick, I couldnt eat well.



  [误]I have been studying English during three days.

  [正]I have been studying English for three days.



  4. each


  [误]Every of them has his habit.

  [正]Each of them has his habit.



  [误]The manager comes to America almost each month.

  [正]The manager comes to America almost every month.

  [析]each与every都作形容词讲时,都有每个之意,但有不同。each多指个体,而every则多指整体。如:We want every student to succeed. each不同来表达总体概念,所以不能与almost, nearly, likely等词连用。


  [误]We each has a book.

  [正]We each have a book.

  [析]each 作同位语时,其数应与其同位的名词相同,而each作主语时则应取其单数形式。


  each other, one another

  each other与one another这两个词组的区别在很多。语法书中强调each other是两者之间,而one another是多者之间,其实不然,如:All students must care for each other, must love and help each other. 事实上这两个词组是同义的,如果要讲有什么区别的话,当我们非常笼统地谈,而不特指什么人时,多用one another.


  5. early


  [误]Could you come here more early

  [正]Could you come here earlier

  [析]单音节和少数双音节副词的比较级和最高级要用-er和-est来作其结尾,如fast, soon, early, hard, long, near等。


  6. earth


  [误]What on the earth do you mean

  [正]What on earth do you mean

  [析]on earth这一词组在句中为的是加强语气,其意为究竟、到底。而作为地球讲时则要加定冠词,如:How far is the earth from the moon. 而作为泥土讲时则为不可数名词,如:He filled the pot with earth and wanted to plant some flowers.


  7. easy


  [误]You can easy imagine my surprise.

  [正]You can easily imagine my surprise.

  [析]easy只在有限的词组中被用作副词,如take it easy(不要紧张),go easy, stand easy等。例如:Easy come, easy go.(钱来得容易花得也快。)Easier said than done.(说的容易做着难。)


  8. east


  [误]Japan is on the east of China.

  [正]Japan is to the east of China.

  [析]在讲述地理位置时,有3个介词常用,它们是in, on和to, 其中in表示处于所表达的范围之内,如:Shanghai is in the east of China. on则表示双方接壤,如:North Korea is on the northeast of China. 而表示互不相接的两部分时则用to, 如:Taiwan is to the east of Fujian.


  9. either


  [误]--- I dont like opera.

  --- I dont like too.

  [正]--- I dont like opera.

  --- I dont like either.



  [误]Either you or I are right.

  [正]Either you or I am right.

  [析]这在语法书中被称作就近原则,即哪个主语离谓语动词近,则应采用与哪个主语相一致的谓语动词,相同用法的还有neither ... nor ...,not only ... but also ...,以及or在连接两个主语时。如:You or he is to go home. The others will have to stay in the classroom.


  10. elder

  [误]My older brother has gone to Shanghai.

  [正]My elder brother has gone to Shanghai.

  [析]在表示兄姐的长幼时应用elder表示哥哥姐姐,如:my elder sister 姐姐,但表示岁数时则多用older,如:She is two years older than I.?


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