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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1. Knowledge is power. 2. Whats mine is yours, and what is yours is mine.

  3. Who are you?-It is I. 4. Who is ?-Pinocchio.

  5. He is a good eater and a good sleeper. 6. She is quite the best dancer, I know.

  7. Bens a good runner; few seamen run better than Ben.

  8. What kind of sailor are you? - m not much of a sailor.

  9. I knew I dont express myself properly: Im a bad hand at sentimentality.

  10. Our conference has been highly successful.

  11. The successful convocation of the national science conference is a matter of great joy for us.

  [注1] 除了报刊标题和一些谚语格言省略系词外,一般情况下系词是不可随便省略的。汉语说东方红,英语一定要用系词,说成 The east is red. 他很和气。 英语要说, He is very kind.,你的表不对。英语不能说 Your watch is not correct., 只能说 Its not right time by your watch./ Your watch does not keep good time. 他是人民的死敌。英语说 He is the deadly enemy of the people.

  [注2] 英语中有些形容词只作表语用。常见的有:alive, alike, asleep, aware, fond, glad, faint, ill, well unwell, afraid等等。另一方面要注意,有些形容词不能作表语,只能作定语用。主要有以下几种情况:

  1) 固定性词组中的形容词。可说 He is my old friend. ,不可说 My friend is old (或new). 可说 He is a complete fool. ,不可说,The fool is complete.

  2) 作强调语的形容词。可说 It is the very man. ,不可说 The man is very. 可说 This is the only occasion. ,不可说 The occasion is the only.

  3) 起命名作用的关系形容词。可说 He is an atomic specialist. ,不可说 The specialist is atomic. 可说 This is a woolen dress. ,不可说 The dress is woolen.


  1. Science means honest, solid knowledge. 2. Difficulties and hardships meant nothing to them.

  3. Environment means much to a child. 4. Your friendship means a great deal to me.

  [注] 除be, mean系词外还有become, make, grow, remain, feel, sound, smell, taste, prove, look, get, go, come, keep等。He has become a communist. She will make a very good athlete. Nurtured by the Party, he has grown into a good cadre

  句型[主语+call/name+宾语+宾语补足语] [主语+be +called/named+主语补足语]

  1. An Englishman calls himself young at fifty. 2. He called his mother old girl, too.

  3. We all call him Iron Ox. 4. We named him John. 5. He is called by the name of Paul.

  6. This place is rightly called an earthly paradise. 7. He was named after his uncle.


  1. I regard him as a noble man. 2. We regarded it as an honor.

  3. Dont treat comrades as enemies. 4. We look on our job as an honor.

  5. We look upon our youth as the future of our motherland.

  6. He is honored as a model worker. 7. People respected him as a great poet.

  8. This room serves as the office. 9. They disguised themselves as Marxists.


  句型[主语+be+no other than/none but+表语(强调内容)]

  1. This is no other than my old friend, John.

  2. The tall figure that I saw no/none other than our commander.

  3. The man standing before him was none other than the Party branch secretary.

  4. Our Partys Policy of cadres is to appoint none but people on their merit.

  [注] 类似的说法还有 nobody else, Is that you, Bumble? -Nobody else. Answered Mr. Bumble.

  句型[主语+be+nothing+ (else) but/ else than/ less than+表语]

  1. Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 2. Hitler was nothing but a paper tiger.

  3. The situation is nothing else but (than) fine. 4. Thats nothing less than a miracle.

  5. What he told you was nothing else than nonsense.

  6. His failure was due to nothing else than his own carelessness.

  7. What we expected is nothing less than a technical revolution.

  [注] 相当于本句型的否定说法是 be anything but, 译作决不是,如:

  He is anything but a coward. (=He is not a coward at all.)

  句型[It is/was+强调部分+that/who+从句]

  1. It is political consciousness that gives vigor to his writings.

  2. It was owing to the victory of the revolutionary war of 1776 led by Washington that the American people won independence. 3. It was after liberation that we led a happy life.

  4. It was in Beijing that I met him for the first time.

  [注] 除了以上句型表示强调外,还可以用以下方式来表达:

  1)用very, only, certainly, of course,to be sure等词语加强语气,如:

  Thats the very thing I need. The report is certainly false. He is, no doubt, a good pupil.

  2) 用 from first to last, out and out (多用于反面), through and through (多用于正面)等成语加强语气,如:It is a delusion from first to last He is a traitor out and out. He is a revolutionary through and through.

  3) 用准系词remain, continue等,如:Gold remains gold in the furnace of history and dross remains dross.

  4) 有时用 be neither more nor less than, (不多不少,十足) 如:It is neither more nor less than a lie.



  1. My companion looked ashamed. Well, he said, you were right

  2. The situation seemed quite encouraging. 3. Your sentence doesnt sound right.

  4. She appeared quite touched at the words. 5. It tastes sweet.

  6. The country seemed to be going to the dogs. War with the South or secession was vaguely looking in the distance.

  句型[主句+as if/as though+从句(主语+虚拟式谓语)]

  1. You spoke as if you had been here before. 2. I feel as if I were ten years younger.

  3. It almost seemed as if the good man were trying to teach us all he knew at this last lesson.

  4. his exposed throat looked as if a halter would have done it good.

  [注] 在as if 后面可以直接跟不定式,这是一种间缩的用法,如:He opened his lips as if to say something.

  其次,在as if后面的谓语动词也有人用现在时的,如:It looks as if our side is (或were) going to win.

  句型[主语+may (+not)+be+表语+虚拟式谓语)][Perhaps等副词+主语+谓语+其他]

  1. It may (not) be true. 2. This fellow he thought, may not be a scamp

  3. What month is this?-Maybe its July. 4. Perhaps you are right.

  5. Perhaps she is ill. 6. It will probably be fine tomorrow. 7. Possibly it is true.

  句型[主语+ be+it is said,/as it were,等+表语]

  1. she is, it is said (或they say), the best pupil in the class.

  2. People in that village, it is said (或they say), are all kind-hearted.

  3. He is not equal to the task, as it were. 4. He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.

  5. With the illiterate audience, he felt himself as it were casting pearls before swine.

  6. It isnt a very good suggestion, to say the least of it.

  [注] 有两个词组容易与as it were混淆,就是as it is, as it was。这两个词组必须用在和它们的时态一致的句中。意思是照现在的样子,照当时的样子,但都引申译为事实上,如:It is impossible to carry out the plan as it is.

  句型[主语+ be+ said to be/so-called/, what is called,+表语]

  1. He is said to be an excellent Chinese scholar. 2. This is said to be the finest park in shanghai.

  3. That is so-called civilized world. That is so-called naturalism.

  4. He is what is called, a poet. He is, what is called, a living dictionary.


  句型[被说明的部分,+that is (i.e.),/that is to say,/namely (viz),/in other words+说明部分]

  1. Mr. Green came to see me not long ago, that is, only last week.

  2. We-that is to say, John and I-intend to resign.

  3. Rules of grammar cannot be profitably studied in the abstract-that is to say, without examples.

  4. He is an outstanding specialist, that is to say, he is both red and expert.

  5. We have five senses, namely, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

  6. A man should never be shamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.

  7. I do not know Mr. Flynn, i.e., do not know him well enough to say if he is absolutely reliable.

  句型[被说明的部分,+to be more exact,/or more correctly,/or rather+说明部分]

  1. Three weeks tomorrow, to be more exact (or more correctly), the 10th of May is my birthday.

  2. This is a pillar, or more correctly, a column. 3. It is a hut or, to be more exact, a cowshed.

  4. His theory, or rather, hypothesis, was not unobjectionable.

  5. We got home late last night, or rather, early this morning.


  句型[主语+be+not+表语A,+ but+表语B]/[主语+be+表语B+and (或but) not+表语A]

  1. I am very ill, not bodily, but mentally.

  2. What I admire in Columbus is not his having discovered a world, but his having gone to search for it on the faith of an opinion.

  3. The tragedy is not in not knowing, but in not knowing that you dont know.

  4. The Marxist-Leninist theory is not a dogma, but a guide to action.

  5. He is an ordinary worker, and not a cadre.

  6. It is yours, and not mine. (=it is not mine, but yours.)

  句型[(It is) notthat (who), butthat (who)]

  1. (It is) Not that I dislike the work, but that I have no time.

  2. Not that we are afraid of difficulties, but that they are afraid of us.

  3. It is not heroes that make history, but history that makes heroes, and that, consequently, it is not heroes who create people, but the people who create heroes and move history onward.

  句型[So far from being+表语,主语+谓语+其他]

  1. So far from being a help, he was hindrance. 2. So far from being true, the news is false.

  3. So far from being ashamed of it, he glories in it.

  [注] 在一般陈述句中仅用far from也可以表示一正一反的意义, 如: Far from praising him, I must positively blame him.

  句型[主语+seem等感觉动词+表语,+ but+in reality/ in fact/ in essence+]

  1. That sounds all right, but in reality it is not.

  2. This may seem a bad thing, but in reality it is a good thing

  3. He looks ignorant, but in fact he is very clever.

  4. The two things though similar in form are different in essence.

  5. He appears to be well, but really he is rather ill.

  6. He thinks himself as wise as Solomon, but in reality he is a complete fool.

  [注] instead of可以用来表示正反判断,如:We must work hard instead of spending our time idly.


  句型[主语+be+less表语A+than+表语B]/ [主语+be+more表语B+than+表语A]

  1. Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul.

  2. It is even more a picture than a poem. 3. He is more shy than (he is) unsocial.

  4. A river that carries so much silt per cubic meter (590 kilograms-over half a ton) is more like liquid land than water

  [注1] more后面如果跟形容词,形容词要用原级,如:(正)He was more angry than frightened.

  (误) He was more angrier than frightened. (误) He was angrier than frightened.

  [注2] 成语 more dead than alive (劳累已极、累得要死) 是一种夸张的说法,原意是与其说还活着,不如说是死了。如:Oliver, more dead than alive, could answer Yes.

  句型[主语+be+表语B+rather than+表语A]

  1. He is an ordinary worker rather than a cadre. 2. He is rather diligent than clever.

  3. The patient was worse rather than better. 4. He is an artist rather than a philosopher.

  句型[主语+be+not so much+表语A+as+表语B]

  1. He is not so much a scholar as a writer. (not so muchas =lessthan)

  2. It is not so much the being exempt from faults, as having overcome them, that is an advantage to us.

  3. It is not so much advice as approval that he seeks.

  [注] 该句型也常用于行为动词作谓语的句子中。如:A mans worth lies not so much in what he has as in what he is.

  The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.


  句型主语+be+(either)表语A+or+表语B]/[(Either)主语A+or+主语B +be+表语]

  1. He or you are mistaken. You or he is mistaken.

  2. He is at the office or at the workshop. 3. Either your brakes or your eyesight is at fault.

  4. It is wrong to regard our work either as totally good or as completely bad.

  5. Either he is right or I am. (=Either he or I am right.)

  [注] 该句型可以采用简易方式:If it is notit is 如:if it is not taking the socialist road, it is taking the capitalist road.



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