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初三英语期中考试备战:九年级上Unit 1-5易混词语

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Unit One

  1. He feels so ____ in the movie theater, as he finds watching movies ___.(frustrating, frustrated.)

  2. This ____ news made us ____. (exciting; excited)

  3. Its ____to see a UFO in the sky, isnt it? (amazing; amazed)

  4. Look , a train is running ____. Trains are ____ than buses. (quick; quickly)

  5. This math problem is very ____ to work out. I can work it out ____. (easy; easily)

  Unit Two

  1.Mary didnt come to the party, her sister came _____ (instead; instead of)

  2.He gets ____in learning English. He finds it _____to learn English(interesting; interested)

  3.The boy is ____ and he has a ____ twin brother. (13 years old; 13-year-old)

  4.Dont _____ about me. = Dont be ____ about me. (worry; worried)

  5.She used to _____ short hair and she used to ____very serious. (be; have)

  6. I like English pop music so much, but I _____ like it. (used to ; didnt use to)

  7.He used to ____(have; has ; had) so ____ (many; much) time but now he is really busy.

  8.I used to be afraid of the big dogs, _____(and; but)now I am still afraid of ____( it ; them)

  9.He made a difficult _____, he _____ to look for a job alone(decide ; decision)

  10.------Michael Jackson has been_____ for a few months . He ____ on June 26th, 2009.

  ------On, I m sorry to hear his _____. (die; dead; death)

  11.The boy used to give his mother many problems. ____, his mother was very patient with him. So I think he is a _____ boy. Her mother brings him good _____ (luck; lucky; luckily)

  12.To our _____,the girl from Sichuan won first prize in the end. We were quite ____at the news. (surprise; surprising; surprised)

  13.By joining the club, I ve learned ___ _and I have _____ new friends now. ( a lot; a lot of)

  14.He is afraid to _____( speak; speaking)_____(in front of ; in the front of)a group.

  15.Jack didnt use to play the guitar, _____ he?( did; didn does; doesnt)

  Unit Three

  1. Im _____this year. I think_____ should help with housework at home. And this _____ boy always help his parents do housework. (16 years old; 16-year-old; 16-year-olds )

  2. Im really ______ now; I want to go to ______ at once.(sleep; sleepy)

  3. My father is a _____ businessman. I believe I will _____ in my study, tool And my parents will take pride in my _____.( success; successful; succeed.)

  4. Learning English is very _____, we should know the _____ of learning it. (important; importance)

  5. I like learning English, my sister like them, _____. ( too; either; neither)

  But I cant speak quickly, my sister cant _____.

  6. The boy bought a new computer last summer. He _____ 4000 yuan for it.

  But he _____too much time on computer games. ( spend; pay; cost; take)

  This new T-shirt _____ me 99 yuan. It ____ me a whole afternoon to find it in a shop.

  Unit Four

  1 A _____woman wrote this letter to me .She is ____about her 15-year-old son. (worry; worried)

  2.Cold _____(run; running) water is ______to treat a small burn, it can _____you get better. (help, helpful)

  3 Its not ______ for children to swim alone in the river; they should pay attention to the ______. (safe, safety)

  4. Its _____to smoke too much, and almost everyone knows the _____ of smoking, but few people would like to give up smoking. ( danger, dangerous)

  5. Lisa ______ English very well, She will attend an English _____ contest next month.

  However, her brother, Jack cant understand _____ English at all. ( speak, speech, spoken)

  6.---- Excuse me , can I _____ the book named the Old Man and the Sea from you?

  -Sorry, but I ____it to Mary last week. She said she would ____it for weeks.( borrow, lend, keep)

  7. ----_____ your coat , dear. Its cold outside.

  ---OK, mum. I will _____myself later. (put on, wear, dress)

  But I still cant choose which pair of shoes to _____ for the party.

  8. First you should get _____help. For example, you can take some_____(medicine, medical)

  9. He lives in a _____ village. There is a beautiful river _____ the village. (near, nearby)

  10. The driver sits _____ the bus. He is also _____ all the passengers. (in front of , in the front of )

  Unit Five

  1. We didnt go ______ the bad weather. But they didnt come just ______ they forgot it.(because; because of)

  2. I guess there must be _____ visiting our neighborhood. But the police cant find ______ strange around here. I hope _____ is wrong here. ( nothing; something; anything)

  3. _____ photo is this? And ______ the man in the photo? (who whose)

  4. _____, we had the ____ exam on June 30th and I did very well. (final; finally)

  5. These days, strange things are happening in our _____. My _____ and I both feel worried about it. ( neighbor; neighborhood)

  6. It is too _____ here. Would you mind not making so much _____, please? (noise, noisy)

  7. He ____ into the river while he was playing by the river, and he _____ his books. (drop, fall )

  8. I _____ carefully but I _____ nothing. (look, see)

  9. I ____ carefully but I didnt _____ anything. (listen, hear)

  10. This notebook _____ Tina, and that one _____ Marys. (be, belong to)

  Keys to the Exercises above

  Unit 1

  1.frustrated; frustraing 2.exciting; excited 3.amazing 4. quickly; quick 5. easy; easkly

  Unit 2

  1.instead 2. interested; interesting 3. 13 years old; 13-year-old 4. worry; worried

  5. have; be 6. didnt use to 7.have; much 8.and; them

  9.decision; dedided 10. dead; died; death 11. Luckily; lucky; luck 12.surprise; surprised

  13.a lot; a lot of 14.speak; in front of 15. did

  Unit 3

  1.16 years old; 16-year-olds; 16-year-old 2.sleepy; sleep 3.sucessful; succeed; success 4. important; importance 5. too; either 6.paid; spent; cost; took

  Unit 4

  1.worried; worry 2. rnning; helpful; help 3.safety; safe 4.dangerous; danger 5.speaks; speech; spoken 6. borrow; lent; keep

  7.Put on; dress; wear 8. medical; medicine 9.nearby; near 10.in the front of; in front of

  Unit 5

  1. because of; because 2. something; anything ;nothing 3. Whose; whos 4.Finally; final 5.neighborhood; neighbor 6.noisy; noise 4.fell; dropped 8.looked; saw 9.listened; hear 10.belongs to; is



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