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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  the blanketby floyd dellfloyd dell, born june 28, 1887, barry, ill., u.s. died july 23, 1969, bethesda, md. novelist and radical journalist whose fiction examined the changing mores in sex and politics among american bohemians before and after world war i. a precocious poet, dell grew up in an impoverished family and left high school at age 16 to work in a factory. moving to chicago in 1908, he worked as a newspaperman and soon was a leader of the citys advanced literary movement. he became assistant editor of the friday literary review of the evening post in 1909 and editor in 1911, making it one of the most noted american literary supplements.

  as a critic, he furthered the careers of sherwood anderson and theodore dreiser. a socialist since his youth, he moved to new york in 1914 and was associate editor of the left-wing the masses until 1917. dell was on the staff of the liberator, which succeeded the masses, from 1918 to 1924. his first and best novel, the largely autobiographical moon-calf, appeared in 1920, and its sequel, the briary-bush, in 1921. homecoming, an autobiography taking him to his 35th year, was published in 1933. his other novels on life among the unconventional include janet march , runaway , and love in greenwich village . his nonfiction includes were you ever a child? , on child-rearing; the biography upton sinclair: a study in social protest ; and love in the machine age , which presented his views on sex. little accident, a play written with thomas mitchell and based on dells novel an unmarried father , was successfully produced in 1928. dell joined the federal writers project and moved to washington, d.c., in the late 1930s as an official for the project. he continued in government work after the project ended, until his retirement in 1947.petey hadnt really believed that dad would be doing it sending granddad away. away was what they were calling it.not until now could he believe it of his father.but here was the blanket that dad had bought for granddad, and in the morning hed be going away. this was the last evening theyd be having together. dad was off seeing that girl he was to marry. he would not be back till late, so petey and granddad could sit up and talk.it was a fine september night, with a silver moon riding high. they washed up the supper dishes and then took their chairs out onto the porch. ill get my fiddle, said the old man, and play you some of the old tunes.but instead of the fiddle he brought out the blanket. it was a big double blanket, red with black stripes.now, isnt that a fine blanket! said the old man, smoothing it over his knees. and isnt your father a kind man to be giving the old fellow a blanket like that to go away with? it cost something, it didlook at the wool of it! therell be few blankets there the equal of this one!it was like granddad to be saying that. he was trying to make it easier. he had pretended all along that he wanted to go away to the great brick buildingthe government place. there hed be with so many other old fellows, having the best of everything. . . . but petey hadnt believed dad would really do it, not until this night when he brought home the blanket.oh, yes, its a fine blanket, said petey. he got up and went into the house. he wasnt the kind to cry and, besides, he was too old for that. hed just gone in to fetch granddads fiddle.the blanket slid to the floor as the old man took the fiddle and stood up. he tuned up for a minute, and then said, this is one youll like to remember.petey sat and looked out over the gully. dad would marry that girl. yes, that girl who had kissed petey and fussed over him, saying shed try to be a good mother to him, and all. . . .the tune stopped suddenly. granddad said, its a fine girl your fathers going to marry. hell be feeling young again with a pretty wife like that. and what would an old fellow like me be doing around their house, getting in the way? an old nuisance, what with my talks of aches and pains. its best that i go away, like im doing. one more tune or two, and then well be going to sleep. ill pack up my blanket in the morning.they didnt hear the two people coming down the path. dad had one arm around the girl, whose bright face was like a dolls. but they heard her when she laughed, right close by the porch. dad didnt say anything, but the girl came forward and spoke to granddad prettily: i wont be here when you leave in the morning, so i came over to say good-bye.its kind of you, said granddad, with his eyes cast down. then, seeing the blanket at his feet, he stooped to pick it up. and will you look at this, he said. the fine blanket my son has given me to go away with.yes, she said. its a fine blanket. she felt the wool and repeated in surprise, a fine blanketill say it is! she turned to dad and said to him coldly, that blanket really cost something.dad cleared his throat and said, i wanted him to have the best. . . .its double, too, she said, as if accusing dad.yes, said granddad, its doublea fine blanket for an old fellow to be going away with.17 the boy went suddenly into the house. he was looking for something. he could hear that girl scolding dad. she realized how much of dads moneyher money, reallyhad gone for the blanket. dad became angry in his slow way. and now she was suddenly going away in a huff. . . .as petey came out, she turned and called back, all the same, he doesnt need a double blanket! and she ran off up the path. dad was looking after her as if he wasnt sure what he ought to do.oh, shes right, petey said. here, dadand he held out a pair of scissors. cut the blanket in two.

  both of them stared at the boy, startled. cut it in two, i tell you, dad! he cried out. and keep the other half.thats not a bad idea, said granddad gently. i dont need so much of a blanket.yes, the boy said harshly, a single blankets enough for an old man when hes sent away. well save the other half, dad. itll come in handy later.now what do you mean by that? asked dad.i mean, said the boy slowly, that ill give it to you, dad when youre old and im sending youaway.there was a silence. then dad went over to granddad and stood before him, not speaking. but granddad understood. he put out a hand and laid it on dads shoulder. and he heard granddad whisper, its all right, son. i knew you didnt mean it. . . . and then petey cried.but it didnt matterbecause they were all crying together.

  弗罗伊德?戴尔晴朗的九月的夜晚,银色的月光洒落在溪谷上。此时,十一岁的彼得没有观赏月亮,也没感觉到微微的凉风吹进厨房。他的思绪全在厨房桌上那条红黑相间的毛毯上。那是爸爸送给爷爷的离别礼物。他们说爷爷要走。他们是这么说的。 彼得不相信爸爸真会把爷爷送走。可是现在离别礼物都买好了。爸爸今天晚上买的。今晚是他和爷爷在一起的最后一个晚上了。





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