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英语顺口溜大全,English jingle

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1 to be in a rut:是指对每天同样的工作或是墨守成规一成不变的习惯,感到单调乏味

  After thirty years of the same job, he feels he is in a rut.(干了卅年同样的工作,他觉得枯燥乏味。) 所以要放弃单调枯燥的生活方式,就是 to get out of the rut.

  例如: If you hate your old job, you need to get out of the rut.(假如你不喜欢你的老工作,你就要走出乏味的日子。)

  2. to be fed up with : 意思是对某人或某事感到讨厌或厌倦(to get tired of; to be disgusted or to get sick of);

  例如: I am fed up with his constant complaints.(他常常的抱怨令我厌烦。)

  We all became fed up with his long speech.(他的长篇演说我们都觉得讨厌。)

  The husband has been fed up with his wifes nagging.(老公对老婆的唠叨感到厌烦。)

  如果只用「to be fed up」也可以:

  I will not wait for her; I am fed up.

  可见这句俚语似乎有「被动味道」,如果用 feed,意思又不同了

  例如: The mother will feed the baby with milk.(母亲喂婴儿牛奶。)

  The cattle feed on grass (feed 是不及物动词)

  但是 The cattle were fed with the grass by the farmer.(农夫用草喂牛。)


  可以说: I am fed up with him.


  例如: When your children are old enough to take care of themselves, you have to cut the cord.(当你的孩子长大可以照顾他们自己时,你就应该让他们自力更生。)

  It is very difficult for many Chinese parents to cut the cord with their children.(许多中国父母很难让儿女完全独立自主。);

  例如: He has to start from square one because his computer destroyed his homework.

  The search committee for the new college president will have to start from square one.(选拔新校长委员会上次没有成功,现在又要从头做起。)

  We are back to square one.

  5. to paint a picture:意思是解释某种情况,使人更加明白。


  例如: In order for you to understand better, I will paint you a picture.

  He will try to paint us a picture when he gives a speech.(他演讲时,尽量想法使我们明白。)

  When I write an article for a newspaper, I will paint my readers a clear picture.(当我为报纸写文章时,我尽量让我的读者充分了解。)

  但是 to paint a picture,意思又有不同了。

  例如: The artist will paint a picture of me.(画家为我画像。)

  The artist painted a picture for his interior decoration.(画家为了他的室内布置而画了一幅画。)

  6. to take a toll:意思是造成损失或有不良的影响


  例如: His hard work will eventually take its toll on his health.

  Inflation has taken its toll everywhere.(通货膨胀对各地都有不良影响。

  The storm took a heavy toll.

  The severe earthquake may have taken its toll on the economy of Taiwan.

  The boss eliminated several senior positions to save money;it took a pesonal toll on him.(老板为了省钱删除了几个资深职位,对他个人倒有不良影响。)

  7. to have the floor:指在开会时取得发言权,有人发言时,其他与会者应该注意听。

  (floor 本意是全体议员或全体与会者。)

  例如: Will you mind letting Miss Wang have the floor?

  Everybody should be able to have the floor during the meeting.

  Let Mr. Chen have the floor for ten minutes.

  He was given the floor by the chairperson.

  8. to hold water:意思是站得住脚,禁得起考验或有足够的证据可证明一件事的可靠性.

  (to have evidence to prove something)

  例如: I think his statement does not hold water.


  也就是: There is no enough evidence to prove what he has said.

  His theory holds water.


  Her constant excuses for being tardy holds no water.(或 does not hold water)

  The U. S. bombing excuse did not hold water with China.


  China feels that the reason given by the U.S. for bombing the Chinese embassy does not hold water. 所以: The argument does not hold wate r= The argument holds no water.

  9. to tighten belt:意思是束紧裤带,省吃俭用或缩紧预算(to cut the budget)

  例如: The government has to tighten its belt due to a large deficit.

  He tried to tighten his belt after he lost his job.

  但也可指真正的束紧腰带: Mrs. Chen has tightened her belt because she lost twenty pounds.

  10. to put best foot forward: 意思是全力以赴,给人以尽可能好的印象,包括礼貌、举止、说话、外表等等


  例如: When you go for a job interview, put your best foot forward.


  We all have to put our best foot on this project.


  11. to miss a trick: 意思是不了解全部实况或不能细心察看

  例如: He states emphatically that he never seems to miss a trick with his staff.


  We can not pull the wool over his eyes because he does not miss a trick.


  Parents should not miss a trick regarding what their children are doing.

  He was fired because he missed all the tricks.(由於他对事不能细心观察而被解雇。)

  12. to nickel and dime :意思是一点一滴的小事或微不足道的服务,都要收费

  (to charge someone for every little thing or service)

  例如: Sometimes the lawyer will nickel and dime you for every service he provides.


  Many people were nickeled and dimed by their lawyers. The phone company is continually trying to nickel and dime us.

  weight behind(someone or something):意思是支持某人或某事

  (to support someone or something)例如: The governor of Maryland threw his weight behind Mr. Gore for the presidential election.(马里兰州长支持高尔先生竞选总统)

  He has thrown his weight behind the foreign policy toward China.

  (他支持对中国的外交政策。) 但是,to throw weight around 又有仗势欺人,耀武扬威或炫耀自己的重要性,想要去影响别人和情况之意

  例如: He always tries to throw his weight around.(他老觉得自己了不起,想要影响别人。)

  Mr. Lin is trying to throw his weight around in his office.(林想影响办公室里所有的人。)

  He throws his weight around her.(他想控制她)

  14. to put teeth in :意思是说话时,带著慎重其事的语气,使能有效的实施(fo be very firm in speaking)

  例如: If you tell your children to do something, be sure to put some teeth in your decision.


  When you become a manager, you need to put teeth in(into) the decision-making process.


  Put some teeth in your position when you speak to the teen-agers.

  (对青少年说话时,必须表明你认真的立场。) I have to put teeth in my conviction that capital punishment is wrong.(我坚信我的立场,死刑是错误的)

  15. to have a heart-to-heart talk:意思是诚恳的谈论

  (fo discuss something sincerely)

  例如: Lets talk heart-to-heart about heart problem.(让我们诚恳地讨论有关心脏问题)

  Lets have a heart-to-heart talk about this topic.


  I have had a heart-to-heart talk(或 conversation)with my department chairperson.

  We had a nice heart-to-heart.(我们有个倾心的交谈)

  (所以heart-to-heart 可当名词或形容词


  Good, better, best,

  never let it rest,

  till good is better,

  and better is best.


  I shall not see the shadows,

  I shall not feel the rain,

  I shall not hear the nightingale

  Sing on as if in pain,

  And dreaming through the twilight,

  That doth not rise nor set,

  Happy I may remember,

  And Haply I may forget.


  Evening red and morning gray,

  Send the traveler on his way,

  Evening gray and morning red,

  Bring the rain upon his head.


  what is pink?

  A rose is pink,

  By the fountain s brink,

  What is blue? The sky is blue.

  Where the clouds float through,

  What is yellow? Pears are yellow,

  Rich, ripe and mellow.

  What is green? The grass is green,

  With small flowers among,

  What is orange? Why, An orange,

  Just an orange.


  The moon is in the sky,

  It is far and high,

  Let s go to the moon,

  Let s ride a rocket and fly.


  Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

  how I wonder what you are,

  Up above the world so high,

  Like a diamond in the sky.


  Spring is gay with flower and song;

  Summer is hot and leave cold alone,

  Autumn is rich with fruit and grain,

  Winter snows and brings new year too.


  There was a lady from Rica,

  who rode with a smile on a tiger,

  they returned from a ride,

  with a lady inside,

  and the smile on the face of the tiger.


  In winter I got up at night,

  And dress by yellow candle light,

  In summer quite the other way,

  I have to go to bed by day.


  One, two, three, four,

  mary at the cottage door,

  Five, six, seven, eight,

  Eating cherries off a plate.


  There was a young man from Leeds,

  Who swallowed a packet of seeds.



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