Describe a classmate of yours
Describe a good friend
Describe a happy person
Describe a colleague
Describe a neighbor
Describe your own personality
Describe a family member
Describe a child you know
Describe an old person
Describe an old person who has influenced you the most
Describe a successful person
Describe a singer
Describe a sportsman
Describe a movie star
Describe a character in TV or movie
Describe a teacher of yours
Describe a famous person that you want to spend a day with.
Describe a building at schools
Describe a historical place
Describe a monument
Describe an interesting building
Describe a lake, river or sea.
Describe a peaceful place
Describe a leisure place
Describe a park
Describe a place of interest
Describe a natural beauty
Describe a city you want to live in
Describe a place you have visited
Describe a place you always go for shopping
Describe a restaurant you often go to
Describe a club or pub
Describe an exhibition
Describe a hotel
Describe your ideal house
Describe your favorite room in your house
Describe your accommodation
Describe a quiet place.
Describe your favorite book
Describe a book you want to write
Describe a newspaper or magazine
Describe a photo
Describe a gift
Describe something important to you
Describe a painting
Describe a piece of cloth or jewelry
Describe something expensive that you want to buy
Describe a handicraft
Describe a piece of art work
Describe a piece of traditional clothes
Describe a pet
Describe a wild animal
Describe a letter
Describe a toy
Describe a dish that you like
Describe a website you often go to
Describe a way of transportation
Describe a way of communication
Describe a happy event
Describe a family event
Describe a piece of good family news
Describe a success in your life
Describe an important decision in your life
Describe a positive change in your life
Describe a special meal
Describe a party
Describe a birthday celebration
Describe a wedding
Describe an exciting trip
Describe a visit
Describe an exciting experience
Describe a cultural event
Describe an economic event
Describe a festival
Describe a 3-day holiday.
Describe a short course
Describe a school trip
Describe an achievement
Describe a bad weather
Describe a difficult thing
Describe a project you finished with others
Describe s kill that you want to learn
Describe your favorite advertisement
Describe your favorite movie
Describe your favorite music
Describe your favorite TV program
Describe a story you know
Describe your favorite relaxation method.
Describe your ideal job
Describe a business you want to start
Describe an advantage in your character
Describe an ambition of yours
Describe your favorite period of time in a day
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