Nowadays, people get information through news and papers, but meanwhile are uncertain about the truth of these news. Should we believe the journalists? What qualities should a good journalist or correspondent have?
1. 你看资讯和报纸时,相信上面所有的信息吗?为什么?
● From my perspective, people invariably believe in what newspaper reported. The reason for their action is that the news from a well known journalist is worth believable. However, public is supposed to depend on their own minds.
● Maybe. Because many times there are a lot of news not true. One time, i saw that WenZhang and MaYili had got divorced, but WenZhang announced it was a serious joke.
● I usually believe them, but not always. Some news looks amazing always makes me confused. Mostly Ill check whether other media gives the same report.
● Actually, I do not believe all the reports in the newspapers. To some specific topics, I do not believe in the government-owned agencies news.
● I do believe what I saw in the newspapers, as I knew that the rule of news, is to report truth of superficial while hide the real reasons.
● 不全相信。我觉得报纸总体上是可信的,因为资讯的要旨就是准确。但是资讯中也有媒体人对于某种事件的看法,这是因人而异的,不能一概而论。此外,报纸上也有很多广告,以经济利益为驱动,充斥着不少虚假夸张广告。
● 不一定会相信所有的报道,例如有一次我看到资讯说某明星突然死亡,隔了几个小时之后该明星的经济公司发表证明说该明星身体健康,某报道的言论不可信,后来该报纸出来澄清说报道某明星死亡只是愚人节的玩笑而已。
● 不会相信,因为资讯和报纸属于大众媒体,受到政府一定程度上的控制,在报道的信息上必然有一定的政治倾向性和政府需求的社会导向性,例如很对关于政府的负面资讯都会被掩埋,或者一定程度上的弱化或者美化。
2. 媒体界的反面例子反应出相关工作人员应该具备怎样的素质?
● In terms of the development of media covering, journalists and correspondents should take advantage of their abilities to persuade the government and get into the reality, digging out the truth for the audiences. To sum up, media workers should be brave and express enthusiasm to the humans.
● 求真求实的态度,不应该夹带个人主观情绪,对于任何事情给与全面,真实的报道。2 ,负责,严格考证消息的来源,严格把握资讯发生的时间,地点,状态,条件和范围,坚决抵制模糊不清的描述和报道
● One necessary quality of being a journalist is to be responsible, and honest.
● They should always be loyal to the truth and be faithful to the public.
● 比如前段时间传媒大亨默多克窃听事件。这告诉了我们作为媒体人,必须要严格遵守作为资讯人的素质,比如强烈的社会责任感,社会道德,尊重客户隐私。
● 记者们应当谨慎对待消息,保证报道出来的消息的真实性,并且,要用勇气,用于冒险,并且,细致入微,从小处发现大奥妙,逻辑清楚,表达能力强。
● 最为社会媒体人员,他们应该恪守自己的专业素养,保持客观公正的态度报道社会上发生的事件,而不掺加自己的个人意愿。
● objective and be strictly loyal to ones heart.
3. 有的报道会迷惑人吗,比如?
● Yes of course. If have ever concern the situation in Iraq, definitely you may know how the so called typical medias in America reported Sadam Hosain. He is depicted as a devil and owning so called vast-killing weapons. Which have had to be regarded as the cause of the Iraq war?
● Some reports may mislead readers to another way to see through the issue. Take the economic crisis for instance, they will tell you that the whole world is suffering in it, but speak no words of the serious affects in domestic.
● A large amount of news is confusing for us. For instance, some singers dead a couple days ago, amazingly, someone says them in various forms of places.
● Yes, sometimes. When the journalist chooses only tell the public parts of the truth, then it equals to tell lie.
● 当然,比如说关于一个旅游景点的相关报道,很多时候记者站在需要宣传此地的角度来写,偏重于对其优点的强化或者是过分的渲染,而不提及或者很少提起其不太好的一面,导致很多游客去了才发现和自己想象中的有很大的出入。
● EXACTLY, 有些报纸会夸大事实,比如记者只采访了2个人,这两个人恰好不喜欢西瓜的味道,记者就在文中写到百分之百的人群都不喜欢西瓜,而真是的情况是这位记者并没有采集到具有代表性的采访样本。
● Yes, one possible example is reports about recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
● 会有的,比如,我曾经看过一篇文章说天天洗澡不好,之后又看过另一篇文章说天天洗澡很好,对一个问题,同时有两种看法,这让我对天天洗澡到底好好不好这个问题十分迷惑。
4. 造成错误报道的原因是什么?
● First, maybe just because the journalist are not the expert of some industry that makes he or she may have some misunderstanding while report it wrong as the lack of professional knowledge. Also theres some mistake made by the type in the early time when most of the journalists are writing. Also it is something they need to cover.
● 造成错误报道的原因有很多,首先就是政府的干预,无论是哪个国家,政府必然会掌控一些主流的媒体从而宣传其主导的思想,将他需要的想法灌输给民众,不考虑是否真实存在;其次是一些企业或者个人通过金钱的方式,买通记者或者是高层管理人员,而改写真实的报道以此来达到一些他们需要的效果。再者,一些记者的不专业性,有极其强烈的个人主观意识,也可能导致某些报道的失真。
● The main cause of error reports ordinates from the restriction from the government. The authorities will not allow the negative reports decline the courage of residents. Journalist just wants to get news as soon as possible. They pay attention on how the news entertains people, but not for the truth.
● 一方面,很多报刊杂志为了销量,希望吸引人们的眼球,但因为资金等各方面因素的制约,无法在时效性上胜过权威的实力雄厚的报刊杂志,所以,只好杜撰一些。另一方面,很多报刊对其转载的报道并不进行真实性审核,以讹传讹。
● Political pressure. And subjective thought, which can also called discrimination.
● 一些是由于记者们本身也没有找到事件真实的一面,一些是记者们明知道事件的真实所在,却依旧按照大众们或是自己的意愿进行误导性的报道。
● 原因是多方面的:可能是媒介报道平台没有完善的信息审核功能;也有可能是这些机构只考虑到利益,忽略将会带给读者的后果导致的。
5. 你有没有崇拜的记者?他/她的哪些方面吸引了你?
● I adore a journalist who went to cover the earthquake in Wenchuan in 2008, called Chaijing. She dared not confronting the hazards as well as the warning from the local governors. The truth was what she desired and work hard for.
● 有,香港记者闾丘露薇,作为一位女性资讯记者,她的胆识和社会责任感都深深的吸引了我,例如她为了真实的报道美军派兵伊拉克后,伊拉克国内民众生活的情况以及相关的战事报道,深入伊拉克当地,冒着生命危险给外界带来当地一手的信息,让外界对当地困难的情况有所了解,从而推动大家对和平的关注。
● 法国的女记者法拉奇。她的机智非常吸引我。还记得她在火车上采访胡佛总统关于农村改革的报道时。面对总统闭口不言的态度,冷静机智,指着窗外的田地说旁敲侧击得说:美国农村居然还在用这么落后的设备。胡佛被她一激,大谈特谈农村改革。
● 有呀,比如凤凰卫视的记者闾丘露薇。她会冒险去战场报道战争实战情况在,这需要极大的勇气和牺牲精神。而且,她很知性,知识渊博,口才很好,问题总是能说到点子上。
● 凤凰卫视的闾丘露薇。她是一个追求真实的记者,为了报道真实的事情,敢于冒生命危险,到战场上去获取第一手的材料,因此,她也有战地记者的称号。
● lV qiu luwei. She is bravely to interview the war battle in Iraq.
● Yes, some journalists work in the war area. They are quite brave.
● 没有特备崇拜的记者。但我比较喜欢敢于直言,勇敢报道社会黑暗面的记者。他们恪守自己的专业素养,为大众们带来最真实的信息。
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