Have you ever heard someone say, SHes as quiet as a mouse. or ?He eats like a pig. How about this one:He has a memory like an elephant. Did you know that over and over in the Bible, God says we are like sheep?Can you think of some ways WE are like sheep?.
你有没有听见过这样的形容:她跑得象兔子一样快或者他象猴子那么机灵。人们时常用动物来形容人的某些特点。你知道吗?在圣经里, 神一遍又一遍的说:我们就象羊一样。我们怎么会象羊呢?想想看, 我们需要有人来照顾我们, 需要东西吃, 我们会害怕, 我们常常不愿顺服, 而走自己的路, 我们需要有人知道我们的名字, 爱我们。
In Isaiah 53:6 God tells us how we are like sheep:All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way. God calls going our own way sin.
What makes you disobey, or act selfishly or meanly?its that ?want to?in us, that ?want to?to have our own way. Another name for that is our sin nature. We were born with it, all of us.All we like sheep have gone astray; ?Astray means we are lost, separated from God our Creator. If we stay in our sin, we are separated from God and His wonderful Home in Heaven forever!
在以赛亚书53章6节说:我们都如羊走迷, 各人偏行己路。在神的眼里, 偏行己路就是罪。是什么使你不顺服, 使你那么自私, 那么不友善?是我们里面的我想要 , 我想要按照自己的意思走。或者说, 是我们里面的罪性。我们每一个人生来就有这个罪性。我们都如羊走迷 , 走迷就是走丢, 与创造我们的神远离。如果我们仍然陷在罪里, 我们就永远与神和他那美丽的天堂分隔开。
The God Who created us is holy, without any sin at all. Are we holy?No! Our sin causes us to be separated from our holy God. Thats why God says we are like lost sheep. But He loves us so muchso much that He proved it in the greatest way possible. He sent Someone to look for lost sheep and bring them back to God! That Someone is Jesus, Gods Son, and in the Bible He is called the Good Shepherd. John 10:11 ?I am the good shepherd:the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.
创造我们的神是圣洁的, 他不犯罪, 更不能容忍罪。那我们呢?我们是不圣洁的, 我们的罪使我们远离圣洁的神。所以神说我们就象走迷的羊。神爱我们, 他太爱我们了, 他以一种最伟大的方式来证明他的爱。他差遣一个人来寻找那迷失的羊, 把他们带回到神那里。那一个人就是耶稣, 神的儿子。在圣经里, 他被称为那好牧人。在约翰福音10章11节, 耶稣说:我是好牧人, 好牧人为羊舍命。
Who is the good shepherd?its Jesus, the Son of God. There are still parts of the world where shepherds are caring for sheep. But not all of those shepherds are good shepherds. Being a good shepherd means hard work. The shepherd must find a place with plenty of good grass for his sheep to eat, a quiet shady place for them to rest, still waters for them to drink. He must watch at all times for wolves, and other animals who try to kill the sheep. Hes ready to do first aid for a sheep who gets hurt, and Hes ready to go out and look for the lost sheep. He carries the lambs in his arms. He knows each sheep by name and talks gently to them. He is willing to risk his life to save his sheep. Jesus says He is the Good Shepherd. Who are the sheep?Yes, you and I are the sheep. And Jesus DID give His life to save us.
谁是那好牧人呢?他是耶稣, 神的儿子。现在在世界的有些地方, 还有牧羊的人。但那些牧羊人并不都是好的牧羊人。做一个好的牧人意味著要付出很大的代价。好牧人必须为他的羊找到一个牧草丰富的地方, 也要为他们找到阴凉的地方来休息, 还要为他们找水喝。他必须时刻地警戒著有没有狼, 或者其它会伤害羊的野兽。他也随时准备著去医治那些受伤的羊, 并去寻找那些迷失的羊。他把羊羔抱在他的怀中, 他知道每一个羊的名字, 而且能温和地与它们交谈。为了救他的羊, 他甘愿舍去自己的生命。耶稣说他是那好牧人。谁是那些羊呢?对了!你和我就是那些羊。而主耶稣为了救我们, 舍弃了他的生命。
If you have received the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin, He is YOUR Good Shepherd. You are no longer lost in sin, for He has saved you. And each day He is caring tenderly for you! If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, wont you listen carefully to the lesson today?Jesus knows all about you, He loves you, and He has given His life to save you. Jesus wants to save you from your sin today, and become YOUR Good Shepherd forever!
如果你相信主耶稣把你从罪中拯救出来, 他就是你的好牧人。你就不在罪中迷失, 因为他已经救了你。并且每一天, 他都在看顾著你。如果你还没有相信主耶稣, 你要留心听今天的故事。耶稣知道你的一切, 他爱你, 而且他把自己的生命给了你。耶稣今天就愿意把你从罪中拯救出来, 成为你的好牧人直到永远。
Lets say that verse again:John 10:11:I am the good shepherd:The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep. John 10:llI have a Savior Whos mighty to keep, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days a week.I have a Savior Whos mighty to keep, 52 weeks of the year!He is a wonderful Shepherd and Friend, Quick to deliver and strong to defend. Loving His children, He loves to the end, Glory praise to His name.
让我们再把今天的圣经经节读一遍。约翰福音10章11节说:我是好牧人, 好牧人为羊舍命。 我有一个救主, 他有大能力保守, 一二三四五六七整个星期。我有一个救主, 他有大能力保守,
一年52个星期。他是奇妙的牧者和朋友, 速速来拯救, 大能来保守, 他爱他的孩子直到永远。荣耀颂赞归他名。
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