Johnny had just come home with his new ball. Mother was leaving to go visit a neighbor.Johnny, remember, no bouncing the ball in the house! Johnny heard mother clearly and nodded. But when Mother was gone, Johnny just couldnt resist bouncing that new red ball. Oh, no, how could it have happened so fast! One bounce down, and one bounce up?and suddenly Moms new kitchen clock hit the floor with a crash. Johnny knelt down to pick up the clock:Not so bad, he thought.I think I can glue the hands back. But then he heard Dad coming in the door from work.Oh, no,
Johnny带着新买的球回到家。妈妈正好要去邻居家。妈妈对他说:Johnny, 记住!不要在房子里拍球。Johnny点点头, 知道了。但妈妈刚走, Johnny就忍不住拍起他的新皮球。不好!一转眼, 妈妈新买的厨房座钟落在地上, 摔成几块。Johnny跪在地上, 试着把那些碎片捡起来, 心想:没关系, 我会把它们黏回去。这时候, 他听见爸爸开门的声音, 是爸爸下班回来了。
Johnny groaned.m in trouble now! What do you think happened?Johnnys trouble reminds me of our Bible verse today. Numbers 32:23 says, ? behold, you have sinned against the Lord; and be sure your sin will find you out.
Johnny想:糟了, 这下我有麻烦了。 Johnny的麻烦让我想起今天的圣经经节。民数记32章23节:你们得罪神, 要知道你们的罪必追上你们。
All sin is against the Lord, because sin is when we break Gods commandments. You may get by with hiding your sin from others, but you can never hide sin from the Lord Jesus. He knows ALL your thoughts, hears ALL your words, and sees ALL your actions. Sin has consequences. And God says sooner or later you will have to face the consequences of your sin.
所有的罪都是得罪神的。因为当我们违反了神的命令, 我们就犯了罪。你可以向别人隐藏你的罪, 但在主耶稣面前你可藏不了。他知道你所有的思想, 你说的话, 你作的事。罪有它的后果。神说或早或晚你都要面对罪的后果。
If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you are His child! You will never have to suffer that everlasting punishment for sin, which is hell. But remember, as Gods child, sin always causes trouble for you! There are consequences for children of God when they sin, and never are they pleasant. Just as your parents warn you of consequences when you disobey, so God warns His children. When those old enemies:the world, the flesh, and the devil, tempt you to sin, think fast! What would Jesus do? and say NO to sin.
如果你相信主耶稣是你的救主, 你就是他的孩子。你就不用去承受那对罪永远的惩罚。但记住:作为神的孩子, 如果你犯罪, 罪总是会给你带来麻烦和祸患。当神的孩子犯罪的时候, 罪会带来后果, 而且是不那么令人愉快的后果。正像你的父母警告你不听话会有什么样的结果, 神也警告他的孩子。当我们的敌人:世界, 肉体, 和魔鬼引诱我们犯罪的时候, 我们要马上想:耶稣会怎么做? , 然后拒绝犯罪。
When you know you have sinned, remember to honestly confess that sin to God and ask Him to forgive you. He promises in I John 1:9 ?If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us? Every day we have to deal with sin, because, even as Gods child, sin always causes trouble for you!
当你知道自己已经犯了罪, 要诚实地向神承认你的罪, 并请求他来原谅你。神在约翰一书第1章9节说:我们若认自己的罪, 神是信实的, 是公义的, 必要赦免我们的罪, 洗净我们一切的不义。我们每天都要与罪争战, 作为神的孩子, 如果我们犯罪, 罪总是会给我们带来麻烦。
If you have never believed on Jesus, God says you must face the terrible consequences of everlasting punishment for sin. That punishment is separation from God forever. Is that what you really want?It is NOT what God wants! He wants you to be His child so you can enjoy Heaven with Him forever! Wont you go now to ?How to Be a Child of God? Will you practice saying that verse from Deuteronomy 32:23 over and over, til you can say it without looking?Lets say it again now, ? behold, you have sinned against the Lord, and be sure your sin will find you out.
如果你还没有相信主耶稣, 神说你就要面对那对罪永远的惩罚。那个惩罚就是与神永远的分离。你想要那样吗?神不想让它发生在你的身上。神愿意你成为他的孩子, 与他一起永远在天上。请你去听怎样能成为神的孩子。 请你去念民数记32章23节, 直到会背为止。现在让我们一起说一遍:你们得罪神, 要知道你们的罪必追上你们。
Now, Lets sing a song that tells children of God what to do when they sin!Dear Christian, When theres sin in your life, Remember Gods Word divine,In Proverbs 28:13, and I John 1:9.If you will confess that sin, God is faithful and just and true, He?ll forgive and wash away your sin, and restore His joy in you!So, dont cover it, confess it! Let the Lord God take it away.dont follow it, forsake it. Pray for Gods strength every day.dont cover it, confess it! Lets the Lord God take it away.
下面这首歌告诉我们, 我们犯罪的时候当怎样做:亲爱圣徒, 请听主名言, 你若犯罪, 切莫轻敷衍, 劳记箴言28:13, 约翰一书1章9你若认罪, 主爱仍张显, 洗净罪污, 喜乐要重痕。认罪不遮掩, 主必赦免, 除罪血有效, 我心可安。弃罪不重犯, 恩力更加添。
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