Just for a minute, will you put your hands together tightly, as if you are trying to hide a coin from someone. Then open up just enough to peek down inside your hands. Pretty dark in there, right?But now, open your hands up, and what happened to the darkness?its gone! Why?Because every time light comes in, it makes the darkness go away.
小朋友们, 请你把手攥起来, 好像在藏起一个硬币。然后松开一点点往里看。里面是不是很黑?现在, 把手打开, 怎么样?黑暗完全不见了!为什么呢?因为当光照进来的时候, 黑暗就消失了。
Now use your hands to look up a Bible verse that talks about light and darkness! Find that 2nd part of your Bible called the New Testament. Then, Name the Gospels one by one:Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Have you found John?Look up chapter 8, verse 12. It says, I am the light of the world:he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
现在, 我们来读一节有关光和黑暗的圣经经节。翻到圣经的第二部份, 就是新约圣经。按顺序来说出四本福音书的名字:马太, 马可, 路加, 约翰。找到约翰福音, 翻到8章12节:耶稣又对众人说, 我是世界的光。跟从我的, 就不在黑暗里走, 必要得著生命的光。
The Bible tells us that all who do not turn from their sin and believe in the Lord Jesus are in darkness. Most of the people in the world do not believe in Jesus:some because they have never heard, and some because even after they heard, they choose not to believe. Most of the world is in the darkness of sin. But Jesus came to be the light of the world! As Gods perfect Son He came to show us the truth of our sin, and the truth of how we can be saved from sin. The person who believes and follows the Lord Jesus is no longer in darkness, because the Light of Jesus came in! And what happens to darkness when light comes in?The darkness goes away!
圣经告诉我们那些不从罪恶回转, 不相信主耶稣的人仍然在黑暗中。不幸的是这个世界上大多数的人都不相信耶稣:有的是因为从来没听过, 有的则是听见了, 却拒绝相信。这个世界的大多数人都在罪的黑暗里。但是耶稣来, 成为世界的光。做为神完美的儿子, 他来, 让我们看到我们的罪, 也让我们看到怎样从罪中被拯救出来。相信耶稣, 跟随耶稣的人就不在黑暗里, 因为耶稣的光照进来。当光照进来的时候, 黑暗就被驱走了。
If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin, the moment you believed in Him, His light came into your life, and you are no longer in the darkness of sin! You were saved from the punishment of sin, and you became Gods child forever!Now continue to follow the Lord Jesus commandments, so others can see His light in you, and they will want to believe in Jesus too!
如果你已经相信耶稣是你的救主, 他已经使你的罪得到赦免, 当你相信他的那个时候, 他的光就进入你的生命, 你就不在罪的黑暗中。你就从罪的惩罚中被拯救出来, 永远成为神的孩子。你要继续听耶稣的话, 遵守他的命令, 当别人从你身上看见耶稣的光, 他们就会相信耶稣。
If you have never believed in the Lord Jesus, you are still in the darkness of sin. If you continue that way, when you die, the Bible says you will be in a forever place of suffering and darkness called hell. But God loves you so much and wants to take away that darkness of sin! Thats why He sent Jesus to be the light of the world! Wont you go now to ?How to be a Child of God?and follow those steps?You can let the light of the Lord Jesus come into your life today!
如果你还没有相信耶稣是你的救主, 你就仍然在罪的黑暗中。当有一天你的身体死去的时候, 你将与神永远的分离, 去到一个充满火和痛苦的地方叫地狱。 但神爱你, 他要救你脱离罪的黑暗。所以他让主耶稣来成为世界的光。请你去听怎样成为神的孩子 , 照着那里所说的去做, 今天就让耶稣的光照进你的生命里。
Lets say that verse again now:John 8:12, I am the light of the world:he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. Remember, repeating it out loud 6-8 times will help you memorize that very important verse! Then you can share it with others! Now Lets put it to music!
让我们再说一遍今天的圣经经节!约翰福音8章12节:耶稣又对众人说, 我是世界的光。跟从我的, 就不在黑暗里走, 必要得著生命的光。 多读几遍, 直到你能背下来为止。然后你就可以与别人来分享。
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