Have you ever been afraid?There are many things we face in life that can make us afraid, arent there?A man named Joshua was facing some of those things. And the same message God gave to Joshua can also be for you!
小朋友们,你有没有害怕过?有很多我们生活中面对的事情会使我们害怕,是不是? 今天圣经故事里的约书亚要面对的就是一些很难对付的问题。神所给他的鼓励也可 以用来鼓励我们。
In Joshua 1:9, God said, Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraidfor the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.God says we are to be strong. Does that mean we have to have big muscles, or be really good in karate?No, He is saying to be strong in believing that God is with us. Our faith in God is to be strong! whithersoever means wherever you go, God is with you.
在约书亚记第1章9节,神说:你当刚强壮胆!不要惧怕,也不 要惊惶,因为你无论往哪里去,耶和华你的神必与你同在。神说你们要当刚强壮胆。 是不是说我们要有健壮的肌肉,或者功夫高强呢?不! 他是说要坚决地相信神与我们同在。我们对神的信心要刚强。无论哪里的意思 是无论你在什么地方,神都与你同在。
If you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, youre His child! Hes with you wherever you go!And He is bigger than any problem you face, bigger than anything that makes you worried or afraid. Even though you cant see Him, you can believe Hes there, and you can be strong and of a good courage! Are you facing some problems right now?Maybe its a school project and it seems hard or even impossible. Maybe at home you have some responsibilities or problems that you feel are just too much for you. That may well be Hebrews 13:5-6 I will never leave you.so that you may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, I will not fear
如果你相信主耶稣把你从罪中拯救出来,你就是神的孩子。不管你去哪儿,他都与 你同在。神大过你所有的问题,大过你的难处和一切使你害怕的事情。虽然你看不 见他,你要相信他就在那里,所以,你可以刚强壮胆!你现在的生活中有没有需要 面对的问题?也许是学校的功课很难作。也许在家里你觉得有太多的责任,使你无 法承担。希伯来书第13章5-6节说:主曾说:我总不撇下你,也不丢弃你。所以 我们可以放胆说:主是帮助我的,我必不惧怕..。
If you are Gods child, remember, the Lord is with you! And He is bigger than any problem, or anything that makes you afraid. You can memorize and believe His wonderful promises, and pray to Him anytime, anywhere, about anything. All your life you will face big problems that you cannot solve, but you can remember Who is with you! Just call out to Jesus in prayer and ask for His help.
如果你是神的孩子,记住:神与你同在!神大过你所有的问题,大过你的难处和一切使你害怕的事情。你要记 住并相信神美好的应许,不管你在任何地方,任何时间,或有任何的难处,你都可 以向神祷告。 在你的生活中,你会遇到很多你不能解决的问题,但你要记住是谁与 你同在! 要向耶稣祷告,请他来帮助你。
If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, will you go quickly to How to Be a Child of God and follow the steps?Today you can become His child and have that All-powerful Heavenly Father with you wherever you go!And now, lets SING that verse!Be strong and of a good courage;Be not afraidFor the Lord your God is with you
Wherever you may be going.
如果你还没有相信主耶稣, 请你去听怎样能成为神的孩子,并照着去做。今 天你就可以成为他的孩子,不管你去哪儿,全能的天父都会与你同在。
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