Father came rushing out to the car. He called to his son Andy: Andy, I want you to rake these leaves and put them in the garbage sack by the road. Then you can go play with your friends.But Dad...Andy said. m late, son. Just get busy. When you finish, you can play with your friends. Before Andy could say anything else, father jumped into the car and quickly drove off to work.
ANDY的爸爸急急忙忙地走向汽车,边走边对ANDY说:ANDY,把这些落叶扫了,然后装在路边的垃圾袋里。做完以后才可以去玩。 可是,爸爸..。ANDY说。儿子,我要迟到了。快点,做完就可以去跟小朋友玩。ANDY还没来得急说话,他的爸爸就跳上车,开去上班了。
Andys best friend John walked into the yard about that time. Whats wrong, Andy? You look so frustrated! I am frustrated. Andy said:My dad just told me to rake the leaves and put them in the plastic bag by the road. No problem, Ill help you. John said, like the good friend that he was. Oh, but there is a problem. Andy said: The rake and the trash bags are locked up in my dads tool shed. And he has the only key! Both boys groaned. What could they do? They were willing to do the job. But how could they, without the tool?
Im so glad God isnt like that. Listen to our Bible verses for today: I Thessalonians 5:24, Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it. Faithful is He, the He, is God. When we say a person is faithful, we mean that you can depend on him to do what he says hes going to do. The only one who can always do as he promises is God. That calls you that mean sometimes God will call or ask you to do something for Him. Who also will do it, means that when God calls you to do something for Him, you can be sure He will give you all the tools you need tools to do the job.
我真高兴,因为我们的神不是这样。 今天学习的圣经经节是:帖撒罗尼迦前书第5章24节说:那召你们的本是信实的,他必成就这事。 他当然是神。当我们说一个人是信实的,就是说你可以信任他:他应许要做的事,他一定会做。而只有神能够100%实现他的每一个应许。召你们就是有时神会召你为他做一些事,让你来服侍他。他必成就这事是指当神召你为他做事的时候,他一定会给你所需的工具。
Now, before you can do anything for God, you must belong to His family! You have heard how sin separates you from Gods holy presence and from His home in Heaven. But because God loves and wants you in His heavenly family, He sent Jesus to die for your sin. Galatians 3:26 says, you are the all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Faith? Faith is believing what God says about your sin, believing what Jesus did to pay for your sin, and then asking the Lord Jesus to come into your life and forgive your sin and make you His child.
可是,在你服侍神之前,你必须成为神家里的一员。你已经知道是罪使我们与神的同在和在天上的家分开。但是因为神爱你,他想让你归入神的家,他就派耶稣来到世上,为你的罪死。 加拉太书第3章26节说:你们因信基督耶稣,都是神的儿子。信?信就是相信神说你是罪人,相信耶稣为你的罪死,让主耶稣进入你的生命,来原谅你的罪,让你成为他的孩子。
If you know that Jesus saves you from sin, you are Gods child. He WILL call on you to do things for Him. But remember, He will be faithful to do that work through you. To give you the wisdom, the strength and all the help you need. Maybe you have felt unable to do things for God, because you were looking at yourself. Has God given you a talent to sing or play an instrument? Do you have a lost friend or a relative who needs to hear how he or she can be saved from their sin? Dont refuse or make excuses like Im too young, or Im too shy or Im too scared.
Who promises to give you what you need to do the job Hes called you to do? Who promises He will never leave you? Is anything too hard for God? He doesnt expect you to do things for Him by yourself. Dont refuse or make excuses because you are looking at yourself and all your weaknesses. Ask God for His help!
Another verse in II Corinthians 3:5 says: Not that we are sufficient of ourselves our sufficiency is of God. Has God asked YOU to do a big job? If you are Gods child, be glad! Dont refuse or make excuses! Remember your Bible verse and pray, trusting God for His help.
Nothing is too hard for Him to do, and nothing is too hard for Him to do through you! Dont refuse or make excuses for not doing things for God. Instead pray for His help, and trust Him to do exactly what He said in His Word. Then obey and watch Him do His work through you! Lets say that verse together again: I Thessalonians 5:24, Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it.
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